
Well Known Member
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to pass on a potential way to save some $$ on AKZO primer.

Aircraft Spruce sells it for $134 <http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/cspages/akzoprimer.php> plus some normal & hazardous shipping.

Graco Supply <http://www.gracosupply.com/> (866) 943-4200 sells it for $87. Graco doesn't charge any handling fee and they thought it would be around $35 to ship becuase of the extra $20 hazardous shipping fee. Even with Spruce's free shipping (but not free hazardous shipping), you would be about 30% less.

No connection with Graco other than happy they would sell to me since they usually deal with the bigger companies around Wichita.


keywords: akzo azko primer green epoxy two-part
Sounds good... Recently I asked for a quote for shipping for Akzo from ACS to Europe (Finland to be precise) and the quote was $400 for shipping. Akzo was no-go in that point for me. Although I don't believe it would be that much when really shipped because that price is insane.
No problem to get Akzo in Europe!

When you are talking about Akzo primer, I assume you mean Akzo-Nobel Aerospace Metaflex FCR? That is what I use, it is the 2K-yellow/green primer, that is also used on F16?s, Fokker Aircraft, Airbusses, etc.

Why would you want to ship that from the USA to Europe? It is manufactured in the Netherlands!

I ordered it through my local paint supplier, no problem at all. They tried to sell me 2 cans of everything though, because that is how it is packed.


Different stuff...

Pilottonny said:
When you are talking about Akzo primer, I assume you mean Akzo-Nobel Aerospace Metaflex FCR? That is what I use, it is the 2K-yellow/green primer, that is also used on F16?s, Fokker Aircraft, Airbusses, etc.

Why would you want to ship that from the USA to Europe? It is manufactured in the Netherlands!

I ordered it through my local paint supplier, no problem at all. They tried to sell me 2 cans of everything though, because that is how it is packed.



The Metaflex FCR primer is a totally different product from the Boeing (nee McDonald Douglas) primer.

The FCR is a 3-part wash primer, and is designed to be followed by an epoxy primer...

The different AKZO options are here...

http://www.anac.com/products/specification_selection.aspx?id=Boeing Long Beach

The primer on the first row is the one Aircraft Spruce sells....

The PDF links go to shortened data sheets that give the usage of the paints...

gil in Tucson