
Van's specs shows the length of a rv-9a to be 20'.5". I was wondering if anyone with a fixed pitch or a catto prop could verify this. A hanger just came available but the space will be tight at 20.5.


Not sure on the length but tight is OK. Unless you are planning on working in the hanger with the door shut...then you need to have some flexibility to get under and around the plane. Our Cessna has 6" between the spinner and the hanger door when shut. If I breath in really deep and depart on an empty stomach, I can get around the front of the plane with the door shut!:D
Drawing 1A shows 20' 4 1/2" long tip of spinner to tip of rudder.

Drawing C4 shows props with the spacer of fixed pitch all are the same (Approx).
I get 20' 8"

I just measured my flying 9A with catto prop and get 20' 8". I used a tape measure on the floor with plumb bobs so that is within an inch or so.
Good luck!
Ryan, I too measured my 9A with a 3 blade Catto Prop attached. From the tip of my rudder strobe light to my spinner tip it is about 20' 10.5 inches. If you were to deflect the rudder either way it works out to about 3.5 inches less. Hope this helps and good luck.

logistics of in and out?

Sorry, don't have my -9a handy.....but I'm curious, is a -9 shorter, or longer, or the same? :)

maybe you can angle your ship a bit to create slightly more room. I've seen VERY creative people build knockouts in the back wall, or front door, to deal with tight fits.
I'd really be uncomfortable every time I pushed her in....even with chocks glued to the floor!...but hey, a hangar is a hangar in winter eh?

I would guess that the 9 is slightly shorter than the 9A, simply because the airplane is not sitting "flight level." But the difference is probably less than two inches.
