Are there any -12 builders out there that are in the 6'4" size range? I haven't had the chance yet to sit in a -12, but am considering building one if I can fit in it. I have flown in a couple of -6's and barely had the headroom with a headset on. The bubble canopy looks like it helps accommodate us tall guys, but i'd like to hear from someone who is my height and flys a -12.

1966 Beech Musketeer Super III
Dave, I can offer one data point. I am a 6'4", built an RV6, and have been flying it since 1999. I am currently building an RV12.

Before starting the RV12 I sat in them at the air shows and Marty Santic (frequent poster here) gave me a ride in his. My impression is that the RV12 is roomier in every dimension.

I was worried about headroom when I built the RV6 and had one set of the seat cushions made thinner. It turns out that I use the standard (thicker) seat base cushion in order to sit up higher (in the taildragger). This with the Koger sunshade and headsets.

For me, legroom is always a concern in airplanes. I avoided putting a subpanel on the RV6 for that reason. The standard RV12 seems to have better legroom than my RV6.

Of course, the way to be sure is to sit in one.


Last January my friend and I flew down to Sebring for the Light Sport Convention. I was trying to get him off of high center since he has every kit for the RV-12 setting on his hangar floor. Prior to getting his "free ride" that afternoon we both climbed into the plane and pulled the canopy closed. He's 6'3 220 and I'm 6'8 230. It immediately drew the attention of the video cameras, don't think they had ever seen two guys that big in the plane. We were amazed at how comfortable they were. No problems at all. You're gonna love it.
Lots of room for me

I am 6-5 300# with most of my height in the torso. I have to ride with a smaller (thinner) seat and back cushion. With my wide shoulders the cabin is a little tight for me. I still love the view and ride. If my instructor was the same build as me it would be a no go. I helped with the build of the plane and will consider one for myself. But I agree with every one else, see if you can find one to take a ride in and you will know for yourself.

Dave B