
Well Known Member
Mutha thought he would post a few pics of his new panel in action.
He recently helped a friend complete his RV8 Skyview, and upgraded a friends RV8 with a G3X panel. He then decided it was time to upgrade his panel. Mutha replaced the SL40 with a 430/PAR100Ex combo for redundant com and legal nav capability. Also added was a Dynon D100 for backup ADI and an HS34 for the primary purpose of having dedicated "KNOB'S" for HDG, CRS, and ALT, (the existing AP74 "value" knob now dedicated to "baro" adjustment). The old 496 was swapped for a 796 for bigger, better moving map and the possibility of subscribing for charts. Existing XM subscription was retained for WX.

After flying around with this arrangement for a few weeks, it became apparent that the approach charts on the 796 work really cool except for the fact that they are alot smaller, and are kinda far away for Mutha's liking. To read anything on the chart requires not only zooming and panning, but also lots of head tilting to use Mutha's progressive bifocals!
Mutha had used his IPAD with a RAM mount in his old panel, and decided to see if that mount could be adapted to the new panel.
This is how it turned out.

Finally, here is how it looks in flight. Bright sun coming in high over right shoulder. IPAD 1 with no screen/glare protector.

The white approach chart is very readable even with the glare. The sectional is not as easy to see but then again it's not like Mutha doesn't have any other moving maps to look at!
Mutha was considering buying the 796 chart subscription but now believes that money would be better spent to keep the 430 up to date, and continuing with geo ref'd Foreflight on the IPAD.
Great, But

I'd have to get more bifocals if my iPad was that close to me.

That would fit perfectly on the opposite side of my panel, then I'd have to fly wrong handed to swipe.

You're dangerous when you're not building airplanes!