
Well Known Member
Helping a friend with planning a panel upgrade, he has a preference for the D-series Dynon gear.

Question: with a D180 and D10A installed and networked together via DSUB, can the D10A be made to display EMS information from the 180? If so, how to configure?

Spoke with Steve at Dynon Tech Support, he said yes it is menu configurable, but I don't see where or how.

thanks for your feedback
Hi Steve,

Yes it can; that's the setup I have in my RV8. I'm not sure about your configuration question. I usually run with the attitude and engine displays on the D180 and the HSI on the D10A. YMMV
You have to go into setup on the D180 and page through until you see DSAB. Then detect the DSAB devices and it should just work. Make sure the blue and green DSAB wires are going between the devices.