I'm working on page 13-05 and step 1 says to final drill #30 the five holes between the spar doubler and spar web, then rivet them together using AN470AD4-6 rivets. Easy enough, except for one detail. On my left spar, the hole in the spar doubler is already larger than a #30. I have not drilled the holes yet and noticed it. The hole in the web is slightly undersized (as expected), but the hole in the doubler is definitely too big. An AD4-6 rivet fits loosely into the doubler hole with room to spare. Checking down the left spar where the ribs gets attached to the web/doubler, those same five holes in the doubler are larger than #30. I estimate them to be a #28 hole. Again, this is only for the hole in the doubler, not the web side.

My right spar does not have this problem.

Did anyone else notice this in their left spar? I cannot think of a reason why it would be this way.

Van's is off tomorrow but I was going to call their Builders Support on Tuesday. Until then, if anyone has any insight into this, please reply.

Bill S.
Builder #140100
I just completed this step yesterday and didn't have that problem. I would definitely contact Van's on tuesday.

For what it's worth, I had a similar question several years ago about my RV-7 wings. If you're referring to the thick 1/8" "waffle plate" doubler as I suspect you are, those holes are punched, not drilled, by Vans. The mechanics of punching through thick material leads to a slightly cone-shaped hole that's larger on the exit side. That's quite probably why you're noticing it on one wing and not the other...the holes are the same, but the doubler is flipped for the opposite wing and you're seeing the other side where the punch entered.

I called Vans about this when I was working on my wings, and even sent some pictures in. Scott Risan at Vans was very helpful, and indicated that this is normal and the rivet would expand to fill the hole when driven. I pressed on and finished the wings.

By all means you should call Vans for the authoritative answer, but this sounds like the same problem I had - which turned out not to be a problem.

Hope this helps...

Thanks for the replies.

I talked to Joe at Van's today. He said he didn't see it as a problem. He said it could be due to the punching process. He also said he thought the rivet would expand to fill the hole during riveting.

So, I'm not going to worry about it. Moving ahead!
