
I am looking for guidance / best methods to install a dual landing light in my "completed" LEFT wing (RV12is). A few questions:

1) Does the wire need to be threaded through the existing snap bushings? That task appears difficult. Not sure if the wire can be routed through the ribs and remain loose.

2) Are there any "tricks" to install the landing light ribs / light?

3) Are there additional wires needed for the "right" wing to ensure you get the wig wag effect?

Any suggestions / help is appreciated.

Yes, it’s a little bit challenging if you did not install a string on the left wing (I did not). I did install nav and strobe light on the wings so I disconnected a wire from that light to pull four strings from the root of the wing to the new landing light hole. One string to pull back the original wire.
One trick I learned is don’t use any type if tape to hold the wires to the string just use a loop and the wire twisted very tightly on the string. Go slow don’t jerk the string if you have to go back and forth to see if you can overcome the friction. Space is VERY tight but it can be done.

You will need to add one additional wire to the right side using the same technique I use on the left for the WIG-WAG

Don’t run the wires through the lightening holes you will be asking for trouble later on.

Best of luck