
Well Known Member
Has anyone considered installing the throttle (and prop control, and mixture) on the left side of the cockpit so that you can fly with your right hand? Even though I have almost a thousand hours in my 180 and fly with my left hand all the time, when I fly a stick I prefer to use my right hand. I did a quick search of the forums and didn't find what I was looking for so I apologize if this has been beat to death before. And before anyone suggests it, no I don't want to fly from the right seat.
Has anyone considered installing the throttle (and prop control, and mixture) on the left side of the cockpit so that you can fly with your right hand? Even though I have almost a thousand hours in my 180 and fly with my left hand all the time, when I fly a stick I prefer to use my right hand. I did a quick search of the forums and didn't find what I was looking for so I apologize if this has been beat to death before. And before anyone suggests it, no I don't want to fly from the right seat.
Left side


If you'd like, I can send photos to your email of our 7 with left side throttle/prop/mixture controls. We absolutely love it configured this way. BTW, the panel is out for upgrade so I could send very detailed photos of the install if you are interested.

I've just never figured out how you guys get photos in this forum!!!

Thanks for the replies. Not sure what I'm doing wrong in my own forum searches since I was unable to find what y'all found so easily.
After 500 hours in my RV-8 and many hours in other tandem aircraft, I just fly my RV-10 from the right. My wife is a pilot too--the left seat is hers.