Page 9-20, Step 9 of the empennage plans say to rivet the E-01410 Trim Tab Reinforcement Doubler to the E-00902-1L Rear Spar using AN470AD3-3.5 rivets.

1. How did others rivet these three rivets? Did you get a bucking bar into the trim access cavity?

I would think that blind rivets for these three holes would be fine. Did anyone use blind rivets instead? If so, what did you use?


Bill S.
Builder #140100
I found that I was able to get a long squeezer in for two of them and bucked the last one?. it wasn't easy but it is doable. A small tungsten bar is really really helpful.
I was able to squeeze them using a 4 inch yoke. There were six holes on the bottom skin/rear spar on the inboard side that were left open per the plans in a previous step. Plus the E-905 rib, front spar and bottom skin were not riveted yet.

I was able to peel the bottom skin back enough to get the yoke in there and squeeze them.

All is good!
Digging this thread up because nobody had commented yet that the plans in this step refer to the E-00902-1L ?Rear Spar.? The part number is correct, but it is the front spar.

Now, to find some AN470AD3-3.5 rivets...