Anybody have trouble with the Ray Allen trim indicators? Mine have gradually lost LEDs 'til they're pretty useless. Can they be repaired or just replaced?

I'm on roll trim indicator had some sort of loose connection in the back that caused the whole thing to go dim. Ray Allen said that wasn't possible, but they'd send a replacement anyway....I found out this is not uncommon.

Ironflight said:
I'm on roll trim indicator had some sort of loose connection in the back that caused the whole thing to go dim. Ray Allen said that wasn't possible, but they'd send a replacement anyway....I found out this is not uncommon.

Mine have just lost individual LEDs, one at a time. About two still working in each indicator, which are still bright, but sorta useless.

Trim indicator -- Lights out

I have had some trouble with the green LEd's. They can be working well then go out. After checking the wiring, I could find no problem but jabbing the actual display with my finger gets the LED back on for a while.

I find it a bit annoying but I generally feel the control and position rather than looking at the light. I guess I only use the light before take off.

(Rough Red RV-6A)
same problem as everyone else...flap led indicator's workin great but the trim indicator is very intermittent :(
turns out i don't use it as much as i expected to so not a huge problem
Not needed

Throw them away if you have not installed them indicators yet... they are worthless!! Use the 1-2-3 time method, workes much better. :D
Other uses for LED hole in panel?

It occurred to me that my MVP-50 will display Trim indication and is probably more reliably than the RA LED indicator. Only problem is that I've already cut the hole in the panel for the Ray Allen indicator :mad: .

Any idea's on anything else about the same size as the RA LED's to fill the hole? What are the dimensions of a rocker switch?
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Fill the Hole

Rick_A said:
It occurred to me that my MVP-50 will display Trim indication and is probably more reliably than the RA LED indicator. Only problem is that I've already cut the hole in the panel for the Ray Allen indicator :mad: .

Any idea's on anything else about the same size as the RA LED's to fill the hole?


I've seen intercom systems that mount vertical, maybe this could be an option. Either way, I would leave the RA indicator out.