HAL Pilot

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Aloha All

On Page 06-04 Fig 2 there is a note to leave a hole open on VS-410PP

I can not find that this hole is used anywhere later. So two questions.

Is this hole used later?

If not, then does it matter if this hole is countersunk and dimpled as it says in step 5? I'm leaning towards not doing anything with it and leave as is.
The hole for the wire on 11-07 fig 2 appears to be a new one drilled per 10-05 fig 2.

On further reading it looks like 10-05 fig 2 calls the hole in question a "locator hole" so still leaning towards not dimpling or countersinking.
On further reading it looks like 10-05 fig 2 calls the hole in question a "locator hole" so still leaning towards not dimpling or countersinking.[/QUOTE]

From my reading of this step, only the holes BELOW the one called out to be left open will be countersunk and dimpled. These are the ones within the outlined area and call out the AN426 rivets on forward side of the spar. All the other holes will use AN470 rivets and will not be counter sunk.
Take a look at page 10-28 to see how those open holes are used for alignment/ drilling and then 11-07 to see the wire feed and the hardware used to mount the VS. Note that different holes are used for the tail dragger vs tri-gear models.
Ok I think I found the correct page.
On 10-05 the holes are used to align for drilling in fig 1. since they are alignment holes the hole behind VS-410PP is not dimpled and countersunk per step 5.

I think the subtlety on step 5, 06-04 is the verbiage says to "Machine counter sink the # 30 holes in the VS-808PP double THAT ATTACH THE DOUBLER to the VS-803PP..."

Since the leave open hole is not used to attach, don't do anything to it.

I will recommend the LEAVE OPEN be changed to add DO NOT COUNTERSINK 808PP or DIMPLE 803PP ON THIS HOLE

Any one see this differently?
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