
Well Known Member
RV4chick and I flew to Sedona for breakfast this morning. On the way there, I was playing with the leaning mode in the Dynon EMS. I was able to get the engine lean of peak without running rough which I hear is pretty rare on carburated engines. I attribute it to the new10-5217 carb that we installed last year. It runs lots smoother and uses less gas than our previous carb. I had noticed that the rpm will decline when leaning before it gets rough so thought it might run LOP. We were told that the 10-5217 incorporates an atomizer on it that more evenly distributes the gas into the incoming air.
Heres proof.

We were still climbing in this picture. I leveled off at 7500 feet and was able to get the gph down to 58% hp, 6.1 to 6.3 gph at 2350 rpm and 170 mph TAS.
This would give us a range of over 6 hours in our RV-4 (41 gal tanks). We were showing about 22 nautical mpg which is nowhere close to the 30 mpg that I heard Dan Checkaway can get. Will try this at 10k to 12k and see what happens higher. We might be able to get away with one fuel stop on the way to Oshkosh if our bladders can stand it. :)
We saw David McNeil and his new RV-10 just getting ready to takeoff from Sedona when we landed. His friend Chuck had a big thumbs up for the flying characteristics of the RV.

Hi Tom,

I get very similar numbers with a Carbed O-320 in my -9A. It will run LOP well at several settings. I get my best speed/burn numbers with the prop at 2270 rpm and use full carb heat to run smoothly LOP.

Looking Good!
Same here.

I saw similar numbers on my O-360 using a 10-5193 carb. It was quite nice seeing such a small difference in temps LOP using a carb. Wondered if I could do it, was quite satisfied with the results.
My 320 is fuel injected, but check out the mpg in the lower left corner. Also, check the TAS and the fuel flow -- it surprised even me.
Not sure how the Dynon leaning mode works but I sure love how my AFS communicates leaning, very intuitive...

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