
A Long story... October 2008 a shiny new Mattituck TMXIO 540 "Red Gold" engine arrives at a friend's game farm (Ranch) in Botswana; Southern Africa. May 2010 I do the initial test flights (5 hours total) which are limited to about 1 hour each, due to very high CHT's. These are attributed to new engine and high OAT. Owner's son continues testing for another 20 hours, then owner passes due to a virulent form of cancer.

Two years later I purchase the RV-10 from the estate of late friend. Son assures me engine is running fine, during delivery I experience same high CHT's. 13 months and 1500 hours labour invested in RV-10 to complete aircraft to my liking.

At about 90 hours TT I notice that No 3 cylinder is now the hottest. (It used to be No 5 or 6) at about 120 hours I notice that No 1 and 2 are now the hottest, so injector nozzles are cleaned for second time. At 150 hours, No 1 cylinder EGT and CHT are off-scale low at idle. Ahaa! Got it! Inlet manifolds are leaking.

So all manifolds were removed and gasket migration found on 5 of the 6.



And here is the cause of the gasket migration...


To say I am not at all impressed with the fellow at Mattituck who assembled this engine, would be an understatement. 2 bolts were the correct length 1 1/4 inch. The other 10 were 1 1/2 inch long and were bottomed out in the threads in the head; as a result the bolts were correctly torqued, but the manifolds were not clamped tight to the cylinderheads.

CHT's and EGT's now fine and mag drop less than previously :)
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I certainly understand your frustration over that situation! No way at all any work was done on it after it left their shop? I'm surprised, but have been surprised before. Guess some companies go away for sound reasons...

Hopefully no lasting damage, but that definitely would give me reason to question any other "little" hiccup that engine gave me in the future! Thanks for sharing.
To say I am not at all impressed with the fellow at Mattituck who assembled this engine, would be an understatement. 2 bolts were the correct length 1 1/4 inch. The other 10 were 1 1/2 inch long and were bottomed out in the threads in the head; as a result the bolts were correctly torqued, but the manifolds were not clamped tight to the cylinderheads.

Contact Bill Ross, US phone 251-990-5080, or try:
[email protected]
I certainly understand your frustration over that situation! No way at all any work was done on it after it left their shop? I'm surprised, but have been surprised before. Guess some companies go away for sound reasons...

Hopefully no lasting damage, but that definitely would give me reason to question any other "little" hiccup that engine gave me in the future! Thanks for sharing.

No chance any work was done on inlet manifolds at all. The guy who assembled the engine put the wrong bolts in.

Hopefully no lasting damage done as the aircraft is now based at sea level and I always cruise climb at 500 or 600 FPM to keep CHT's in control. Cruise at altitude is peak EGT or slightly LOP and then CHT's always settled down.
Thanks Dan, I will send an email. I could phone but wonder what good that will do as TMX are now closed down. :confused:

Continental Motors purchased all the holdings of the former Mattituck company.

I am sure that Dan suspects that this fellow will somehow make good on your engine or shed some light on the situation.

Dan, who is Bill Ross and what does he do at Mattituck?

I think we all could use a good contact there!

:cool: CJ
Thanks Dan, I will send an email. I could phone but wonder what good that will do as TMX are now closed down. :confused:

Continental bought Mattituck in 1999, well before the closure of the New York facility. Mattituck Services is now based in Fairhope, Alabama, across Mobile Bay from the main Continental plant. Bill Ross is in charge.
Dan, who is Bill Ross and what does he do at Mattituck?

I think we all could use a good contact there!

Well, you have two contacts, at least.

If you were at OSH last year, Bill was the large friendly fellow who (with other Brand C folks) hosted a free breakfast for the RV clan.

Neal George is a great guy, an RV-7 builder, and posts here from time to time.

Go here for official bios:
Mattituck in Fairhope Al?

Contact Bill Ross, US phone 251-990-5080, or try:
[email protected]

I purchased a IO-360 Mattituck Engine from the NY facility before it closed, and now have a question about which Lords engine mounts to use. I believe the designation is an IO-360 B1B, but could be mistaken. It could be a M1B. Any guidance from the forum? How do you tell? Is Mattituck in Fairhope still in business? None of the phone numbers I have tried work, even the ones on their web sites. Does anybody have a contact?
Check with Van's. But you should have no problem using the LORD isolators that they offer.