Tim Lewis

Well Known Member
Despite trying a variety of seals on my RV-10 baggage door over the years, I still have a small amount of water leakage when flying in rain. I presume the cabin is at a slight negative pressure compared to the baggage door area, causing water to be drawn in during flight. Yesterday, for example, 3 hrs in raining IMC, enough water came in to wet 15% of the left aft passenger seat cushion (bottom side).

I'm interested in hearing about solutions that are working well for sustained flight in rain. I'm considering the RV-10 baggage seal offered by www.aircraftdoorseals.com, but I haven't seen reports of field experience with the product.
Lots of good info in DanH's recent Access Panel Seal thread - makes me wonder if this would be applicable to the -10 baggage door.

Mine hasn't leaked yet but it's only been parked in heavy rain, never flown through same. In-flight negative cabin pressure could turn that into an issue, for sure.

I might not want to be the first to try this, since the thought of inadvertently gluing my baggage door shut gives me the willies.
PIREP coming

I’m a sucker for almost anything outside the norm to evaluate. Dan’s method might work for a baggage door and I might try that. The advantage inspection panels have (top of the avionics bay) is the material used (I’m going to try SikaFlex since I have extra tubes on hand with the release agents) will want to stay in its place fairly well. Not sure of the thixotropic properties of the Sika and don’t want it to sag. Turning the canoe on its side might help but for me that option is off the table. I’ve purchased a gasket (made specifically for the 10 and will issue a report.
This is what the "Aircraftdoorseals" baggage door seal kit looks like. It was $50 plus $20 shipping. Contains two weather strips with different width, some lube and instructions.


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Window insulation

I have a weather strip used for doors and windows in my baggage door and it has worked without an issue or draft for over a decade, was like $8 dollars for the roll. May not be at the level of a 50 dollar roll, but it works!