
Well Known Member
I had no idea it was going to be so difficult to get the leading edge ribs cleco'd into the skins...OMG... I am practically forcing them, ok the one that is actually clecod. Frustrating. Anyone have any tips. wd40...somethin:confused:
Rib flanges

Ryan check rib flanges they may not be bent properly. Try to cleco several ribs simultaneously. You will get there with patience. Do not do it if you are tired you will bend lots of clecoes:) Use Boelube instead of WD-40.
Disregard Boelube if you are doing fuel tanks. I meant "other" leading edge. Good catch Tom.
thx V. I am tired..been working on the wing skins all day. I have put the leading edges aside for a while...
Forget the cradle

I just did this over the past couple of days with my leading edge and tank ribs, and the best advice I can give you is to forget the cradle while you're trying to get everything together. Put a few clecos in the forward most holes of every rib on the top side of the skin. Lay down a firm pad of some sort (a folded shop rag works well) and stand the skin up on it's leading edge with the rib you're working on directly over the pad. Push down firmly on the rib and the clecos should go in without too much trouble. I was able to get all of the ribs in one tank in place in about 5 minutes this way (after trying for about 15 minutes using the cradle).
thx V. I am tired..been working on the wing skins all day. I have put the leading edges aside for a while...

The method I used to get the ribs clecoed in was this: clecoed the top foremost three, then the bottom aftmost three (here you need to push the compressed cleco thru the skin hole completely and then try to "catch" the rib hole at an angle to just get the cleco into it enough to hold albeit barely. Then cleco the remaining two aftmost, which should cleco a bit easier.) Then I clecoed the top aftmost three, and then the bottom foremost three. All the other should go pretty well, but you'll likely need to tap the rib from the side with a rubber mallet to line the holes up now and then.

They'll slip right in once you butter them up with ProSeal!
Do them all at once

I struggled also and by the time I finished the tanks had a great system.

First, ensure the rib edges are square and you've deburred the flanges well because any sharp edge will catch the skin. Flute ribs to get the line of holes extremely straight--only close and you'll be fighting it later.

Second, set the skin atop the cradle and put one cleco in the bottom leading (front) hole in each rib. This should hold them roughly in place. Next, go around to the top side and put clecos in the leading two holes. As Mike said, you can "catch" the rib holes at a slight angle. Go back to the bottom and put in a second cleco.

Then, shove the leading edge into the cradle. Now work up from the clecos already installed to the back edge, alternating top and bottom. Shouldn't take more than a little wiggle to find each hole. :cool:

When it comes time to seal and rivet the tanks, do just the three middle and move the cradle to add each additional rib outward. The proseal actually seems to help them slide in, although the dimples required a bigger spread.

Not the only solution but worked well for me. Good luck!!

RV-9A Fuse
N984AW Reserved
thx for the all the replys...I will report back once I get'it done. another long day in the garage..thx again.

Ok...thx for all advice...
First I had make sure again that the flanges where 90degrees...they weren't quite there..
Also, my cradle was too tight making it difficult to get the ribs to bottom.
So I didn't use it. Instead, I layed the skin bottom side down first and then put 2 clecos in the front two holes of each rib starting in the middle. Then flipped it over and did the same on the other side. Once I had the front 2 clecos in on both sides I put the whole thing in the cradle to finish...took about 15 minutes a piece. (now if I just figure out how to properly set pics on my messages...)
