YellowJacket RV9

Well Known Member
So it appears I have not been diligent enough in wiping down my leading edges after every flight, as I have spots of corrosion on the leading edges (no paint yet, having too much fun). They are a bit more than light oxidation as I can feel them with my fingernail, and none of the grades of polish I have are removing them. I have purchased some leading edge tape, but would like to remove all the spots first.

Does anybody have a good method to do this? Is there a coarser grit of polish I should use? Or just deal with it until I can afford paint, at which point I assume it will all be sanded off.


Look Elsewhere

If you've got corrosion issues, I'd expect to see it in other places that tend to accumulate and hold moisture, such as the trailing edges of flaps, ailerons, and elevator.
Perhaps what you're seeing is erosion, but your time in service would suggest something else. At the same time, you're flying in what is essentially an ASTM Salt Spray Cabinet - elevated temperatures, high humidity, high salt content. Not a friendly environment for a bare aircraft. I'd take it to a good aircraft paint shop and at least have them look at it and confirm what you're dealing with before taking any other action. At the very least, you'll get another price point for a paint job. Good luck.
Terry, CFI
If you've got corrosion issues, I'd expect to see it in other places that tend to accumulate and hold moisture, such as the trailing edges of flaps, ailerons, and elevator.
Perhaps what you're seeing is erosion, but your time in service would suggest something else. At the same time, you're flying in what is essentially an ASTM Salt Spray Cabinet - elevated temperatures, high humidity, high salt content. Not a friendly environment for a bare aircraft. I'd take it to a good aircraft paint shop and at least have them look at it and confirm what you're dealing with before taking any other action. At the very least, you'll get another price point for a paint job. Good luck.
Terry, CFI

You may be on to something. There are no signs of any issues anywhere but the leading edge. The inside is all primed, thankfully. The spots almost look like little salt deposits, but won't come off with any amount of elbow grease it seems. Will take pictures next time I am there.

I am leaning towards sucking it up and getting this thing in the paint shop in the next few months.

I use dryer sheets w/water to get bugs off painted surfaces without scratches. (car bumpers)
Sounds like typical salt accumulation from your environment. You may see some on the prop leading edges as well. Keep it clean and don't use any products with silicone before paint.

Don Broussard
RV 9 rebuild in progress
57 Pacer