Friend of mine is re rebuilding a damaged RV6A. He noticed that the leading edge tank support bracket has a slot allowing movement to the wing. However after removing the slosh and resealing my fuel tank I observed that my support bracket has a hole not a slot. I went to the plans cannot locate were and when this slot was to be implemented, if at all. Can anybody shed any light on this issue. Thanks
At some point in the last century they concluded a slot might lower th risk of ripping the inboard tank bulkhead out in an accident resulting in the wings being folded back, thus less fuel spilled and lower risk of fire.
Early RV-6(A) plans used a hole. At some point in time it changed to a SLOT.

The idea of the slot is so that the tank does not pull apart in a crash and create a large fuel leak and possible fire.
I'm pretty sure there's a service bulletin out there to add the slot. Even if there's not, it's pretty straightforward to cut the slot. I've done my -4's tanks.
Drawing #46 was modified on 3/98 to show the slot.

I can send you the snippet of the drawing if you want.
Design change

I believe the plans changed somewhere in the mid 90's. I made mine with a slot in about 1994 before the plans changed, and discussed the idea with someone at Van's. Not sure if Van's got the idea from me or elsewhere.

As a side note, I've had the left tank off twice over the years. There is always the question, on a joint like this, as to how tight the bolt should be. When I had it off recently, I noticed some fretting in the joint after 1600 hours, but nothing to worry about yet. The vertical motion allowed by the slot in mine might be .005-.010".

The point here is that it might be something to inspect from time to time.

To all of you that responded a heartfelt thank you. Your info has been extremely helpful. Again my thanks