
Active Member
Any reason why I can't rivet the leading edge skin to ribs before I move on to the tanks? I've already fit / cleco'd / match drilled the joint plate, z-brackets, and tank / LE ribs, etc. and don't see much more that is done to the leading edge prior to final riveting to the main spar. I'm kinda cramped for space and would like to rivet the leading edge and move it into storage so I have more room to deal with the tanks.

Houston, TX
That's what I did on my -10 waiting for it to warm up so I could work with ProSeal. This time of year, it might be nice to wait until it cools off. Go for it. -Jim
Good time to do the Duckworks lighting kit, if you're considering it. Otherwise, sounds like it's good to go.

Just don't rivet the completed leading edge to the spar before match drilling those Z-brackets. Ask me how I know.... :p (it's still possible to do successfully, but not as easy)
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