Any one else get an email from the lawyers about vans objecting to valid claims based on receiving laser cut part replacements. I had laser cut parts for flap and aileron replaced and the valid claim I have is on a finishing kit I did not renew. They are trying to get me to withdraw my valid claim on the finishing kit ( as a priority amount ) because I received laser cut parts wtf?
Please be advised that your claim needs to be withdrawn because it seeks payment for laser cut parts that you received. Van's Aircraft performed hundreds of hours of testing which confirmed that these laser cut parts are more than adequate for even an unrealistically long flight life. Van's Aircraft emailed this information to affected customers and posted it on their website. Furthermore, Van’s has offered to replace laser cut parts used in highly loaded structural locations at no cost.* (Note: the time period for customers to request these parts at no cost is ending soon. Thus, if you want to receive these parts at no cost, you need to contact Van's Aircraft immediately.)

Please note that, if your claim is not voluntarily withdrawn, Van’s Aircraft will file an objection to your claim for reasons stated above.

One word for this in my most sarcastic and condescending tone…. Classy!

Also real convenient to send it AFTER Oshkosh.
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One more thought, what does “needs to be withdrawn” mean?

Because Van’s is going to object and win anyway so let’s just move along.

Nobody NEEDS to do anything. If you have a claim, make it. Let Vans fight it.
Please be advised that your claim needs to be withdrawn because it seeks payment for laser cut parts that you received. Van's Aircraft performed hundreds of hours of testing which confirmed that these laser cut parts are more than adequate for even an unrealistically long flight life. Van's Aircraft emailed this information to affected customers and posted it on their website. Furthermore, Van’s has offered to replace laser cut parts used in highly loaded structural locations at no cost.* (Note: the time period for customers to request these parts at no cost is ending soon. Thus, if you want to receive these parts at no cost, you need to contact Van's Aircraft immediately.)

Please note that, if your claim is not voluntarily withdrawn, Van’s Aircraft will file an objection to your claim for reasons stated above.

One word for this in my most sarcastic and condescending tone…. Classy!

Also real convenient to sent it AFTER Oshkosh.
Ok so I’m not the only one. In the latest kit planes vans quoted as saying “we have let you down we will do better” so this is better? Personally I cannot see how lawyers can get this so wrong. A valid claim on a contract deposit has nothing to go with any laser cut issues. In this world of law they should be entirely different issues. Just to clarify my finishing kit has not been sent, no claims relating to laser cut parts and further more any parts sent to me have a free of charge annotated on the receipts. My claim only related to a deposit on a finishing kit contract I no longer wished to keep under the new pricing. I’m surprised I’m receiving this to be honest. Time for you Greg Hughes to chime in and let us know you are doing “better” And call the lawyers off. I feel like yet again I’m getting screwed over. I so want to finish this aircraft and be happy about it and you were almost there replacing my flaps and ailerons FOC. I was even fair enough to try three times with emails and phone calls to stop you guys sending me out further parts deemed to possibly be laser cut but confirmed by me the ones I had were not laser cut. I received three emails to confirm my ship address and each time I responded to say don’t send them! That was in the effort of working together. But here we are yet again
I’ve lost the bubble, can someone summarize the current state for QB flaps and ailerons? Vans, at least for my build, stated they cannot determine whether LCPs are in the flap/aileron build since they may not be produced at the same time as the wings. They included a list of some parts (red) recommended to replace and additional ones that were optional. Red would be no cost, others were to be paid for, I think maybe some discount. So, are builders having success disassembling and rebuilding these assemblies? I haven’t ordered any replacement parts for QB Fuse Wings as of yet. Sadly, haven’t done any building for almost a year and have pretty much lost motivation but I’m not completely out yet. Still doing some thinking but I understand time is growing short to come up with a plan. Same story for QB fuse, have not ordered any replacement parts. I did receive attorney email today asking to withdraw claim. I have asked vans to contact me to discuss options.
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I got one for money I have on account with them. I sent extra money to pay for freight so that the RV-8 fuselage kit was shipped freight paid. I then send some parts back and had that money on account.

I responded "NO" to withdrawing the claim.