
Certainly not my first mistake or my biggest, just my latest. Is the anything that can be done when this happens or just add to the list of parts to buy from Vans and do over?
This is on the bottom rear spar on the left elevator. RV-14.


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Ask vans for specifics to your area of concern, but I’ll give a preview of what they might suggest. I’ve had an extra dimple, which you can flatten with a flat set once, and drill another hole on either side, or both sides, match drill to other parts, ie skin, and build on. I actually choose to replace my mistake anyway because it was on a top skin, but there are many repair options typically. I have used the flat set more then one to fix a dimple that wasn’t supposed to be, but yes the dreaded extra hole dimple happens as well.

This one since it’s the bottom of the skin, and not noticeable, I think could be a place to do the repair and build on, but again check with vans to be sure of the methods they suggest.
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General rules to follow when you make a dimpling mistake:

1. You can modify the dimple ONCE
2. See rule #1

So flatten or reverse the dimple just 1 time, then it's game over, need a new part.

What will happen is the over worked aluminum, if you just keep modifying the dimple, will develop small cracks, which will definitely turn into big cracks under any kind of stress .. then it's a whole other thing to fix, especially after paint, so fork out the $$ for the new part, will cost a lot less than having to fix it later.
Ask vans for specifics to your area of concern, but I’ll give a preview of what they might suggest. I’ve had an extra dimple, which you can flatten with a flat set once, and drill another hole on either side, or both sides, match drill to other parts, ie skin, and build on. I actually choose to replace my mistake anyway because it was on a top skin, but there are many repair options typically. I have used the flat set more then one to fix a dimple that wasn’t supposed to be, but yes the dreaded extra hole dimple happens as well.

This one since it’s the bottom of the skin, and not noticeable, I think could be a place to do the repair and build on, but again check with vans to be sure of the methods they suggest.

I am with Brian on this, although if it was my plane and I could get the part rather quick, I would replace it merely for the reason that with such little money why have an imperfect trim tab.
Ask vans for specifics to your area of concern, but ... can flatten with a flat set once, and drill another hole on either side, or both sides, match drill to other parts, ie skin, and build on... .. but again check with vans to be sure of the methods they suggest.

What he said.

I had almost the exact same issue, but with a 10. This was the solution from Vans.

Good luck!
Another option.

Flatten once
Make a doubler
Attach double with countersunk rivets on each side to hold in place
Drill doubler using correct hole or skin as guide
Countersink instead of dimple to accept skin
Build on
Thanks for everyone's feedback. With not much work done on the part it makes since to me to replace. I do wonder if this had been a part where you had done a lot of match drilling and fitting with other parts how easy is it to just buy a replacement. Something else to learn down the road I'm sure!
Go ahead and finish it. Order another one.

Many builders have to make a second or even a third to get it right.

Then you can choose the one you like best afterwards.
Missed dimple

Thanks for everyone's feedback. With not much work done on the part it makes since to me to replace. I do wonder if this had been a part where you had done a lot of match drilling and fitting with other parts how easy is it to just buy a replacement. Something else to learn down the road I'm sure!

First, I've never made such a mistake. :D
Well maybe once, or twice.
Once, C-frame, skin hole, Vans said flatten and add a hole either side.
Another time, pneumatic, rib hole, they said add a doubler behind tied to existing holes either side.
I can tell you, it taught me to be very careful with everything. Nothing worse than lost man hours.