
Well Known Member
For aircraft not covered by the AML STC, the FAA issued a tech paper last year. The referenced "Installation Approval for ADS-B Out Systems" memorandum explains how certified ADS-B hardware can be approved as a follow-on installation, based on a previously approved STC. Because an initial STC exists, uAvionix said, subsequent skyBeacon installations can be performed on any ?suitable aircraft??which is any aircraft allowing installation without airframe modification?as a minor alteration, without an additional or airframe-specific STC.

A lawsuit filed by Garmin International against uAvionix in June, claiming that uAvionix is infringing on a Garmin patent with technology in the skyBeacon and other ADS-B hardware, is winding its way through U.S. District Court in Missoula, Montana, where multiple motions have been filed and answered; a jury trial currently is scheduled for February 2020. uAvionix disputes the allegation and said in a statement that the suit will not affect its certification or delivery of ADS-B hardware.
And now the lawsuit has been concluded - with many in the industry seeing uAvionix as the winner in this one, though it's been covered up by a confidentiality agreement. It does seem likely that Garmin bluffed and got called on it. Interesting that this is announced very quickly after uAvionix purchased Aerovonics...

I'd imagine that uAvionix probably came to a licencing agreement with Garmin.