
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
0700 at the desk wishing you and yours a good morning and Happy New Year!

I just wanted to type up a quick note of thanks for all the people who took the time to donate in 2018 - folks who make my life, and this site, possible. Here on the last day of the ‘pledge drive’ it’s not lost on me, and I don’t ever want to take this for granted, how lucky I am to have so many RV friends. This is my career, my job, how I eat, so of course I want that aspect to be positive and productive, but equally important is the social aspect of this whole endeavor. I rolled the business dice and have cast my lot with the RV community. Thank you for helping our family (hopefully for a good long while) keep it going.

I’m thankful for my job and my RV friends.

While the mothership is closed today, there *is* a Dec 31st issue of VAF online now at

Again, Happy New Year. Our family would like to wish you and happy, safe and RV-filled 2019.

Healthy and happy New Year to you and your family, Doug. Thank you for creating and working so hard for something I look forward to seeing EVERY DAY.
Me too!

Happy New year Doug. Did tiy get that copper line fixed? [ed. Yes and thanks for the offer! Cleaning up wet sheetrock now....ugh. v/r,dr] I wish I was closer, that's an easy repair.

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Froggies, Tate, and little unaware squirrels

Hey Dougie, That was absolutely precious about Tate writing that note to all the froggies out there in froggie land.:eek: As a Grandpop---loved it. Could you maybe get him to write one also to all the little squirrels who live along my street, and have totally lost all fear of cars flying by?? We loose about 2 a week. Then they go to froggie/squirrel heaven I guess.:rolleyes:
I wish Doug, his family and this great community of RVers a great new year. Most wonderful community on internet that I have come cross.
Wonderful place to visit

I?m happy to admit that this site is on my list of things to look at at least once a day. Has been for many years. Just to see what?s happening in RV land. Checking PM?s for notes from friends. Some met, and many others known only by screen names, but friends none the less. The things I?ve learned here are too numerable to count. I hope I?ve given some back.
Thanks Doug for your efforts. It?s been a great place to spend some time with friends.
Happy New Year and keep the blue side up.... mostly!
Thanks Doug!

Appreciate all that you give to us builders!
Don't think I would be building if it weren't for VAF.
Happy New Years Doug
Happy New Year - 2019

Best wishes to you and your family Doug for a great 2019. Please never hesitate to share your family news along with hosting this excellent forum with mostly :) useful, and often conflicting :eek:, and occasionally heated :mad:, information. Part of the ?fun? is sorting the wheat from the chaff...

Best wishes to you and your family Doug for a great 2019. I visit this site sometime multiple times a day. I've scheduled a Bill Pay contribution for next month!
As someone who has had the good fortune to meet you on more than one occasion, a heartfelt thank-you for the entertainment and knowledge your site brings to me.

Best to you and your family. May 2019 be healthy and prosperous.
Doug, Thanks for another great year of VAF.

I expect to be the first to pay my 2019 dues......
Thank you, Doug

Happy new year to you and yours. Doug. We will never know how many RVs are completed only thanks to the forum you provide through this web site.
Happy New Year 2019!

Hi Doug, VAFers, I hope you all have a great 2019! Kindest regards, Mickey
DR and family.
Happy New Year and thanks for the awesome sight.
Hope 2019 is great for you.

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Happy New Year, Doug, to you and your family, and the VAF "family" as well.

We are all very thankful and lucky you chose to do this website!!! Keep up the great work. :)

Happy New Year

Hi Doug and family
Hi all participants and readers of this great website.

Best wishes for 2019

(signature updated :))
Doug, happy New Years to you and all VAF family. I look forward to another year with an RV in my life😊
Happy 2018 to you Doug, your family, and the VAF family!

May everyone have a safe and enjoyable year!
Happy New Year

Happy New Year to the Reeves Family as well the entire VAF community & Family. This is truly one of the best communities in the World and I'm so humbled to a part of such an incredible community.

I hope 2019 is a fantastic year for you all. Fly safe and as a very dear friend says, keep and the blue side up... most of the time ;):D