
There is a post on the Facebook RV-14 page stating that a builder recently received j-channel that had laser-cut holes and was then covered with blue plastic film.

Van's responded: "Van’s Aircraft is aware of this report. The fact that a laser-cut part remained in our inventory, despite our attempts to clear all laser-cut parts from our warehouses, necessitates prioritizing this issue and giving it the highest level of attention. Our team is conducting an exhaustive inventory inspection to ensure no laser-cut parts remain in our inventory. Additionally, we are investigating how the laser-cut part ended up in a customer shipment. As a precautionary measure we have halted all packing and shipping until our inspection has been completed. We will provide daily updates until the completion of our inspection."
Given the scope of this issue, it's not unexpected that there would be a part missed here or there. Thankfully, there are other places in the process where checks and balances happen (the builder) and these things can be captured. I would be *very* surprised if it was a case of someone trying to use up the parts and hoping nobody would notice.
Given the scope of this issue, it's not unexpected that there would be a part missed here or there. Thankfully, there are other places in the process where checks and balances happen (the builder) and these things can be captured. I would be *very* surprised if it was a case of someone trying to use up the parts and hoping nobody would notice.
I agree, but it's probably worth folks knowing that "blue plastic means you're OK" may not be a foolproof strategy. I don't see how a builder could miss those holes though, from the photographs.

Just another subplot in the saga...
I recently got a canopy handle which was not punched in my finish kit. It looked to be laser cut? Or perhaps they water cut these?


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I’m not buying the laser cut then wrapped in blue plastic. If it had blue plastic and was laser cut then the plastic would be burned and extremely noticeable. I can not actually believe that Vans would send out a part for laser cut and then carefully apply blue plastic to a part. That’s a lot of extra work, did they also cut all the tiny holes in the plastic for the rivet lines? Make it perfect to sell so nobody would no? This sounds like a hoax
These are the parts under question copied from the Facebook page. If legit, then Van's would have laser-cut the holes, then wrapped the entire sheet in blue film, then punched out the part and bent it. I'm not sure in the process when sheets get wrapped in film, but Greg has mentioned before that it is done in-house. The blue film does not appear to have cut through, so the film had to be applied after the holes were cut, but before the parts were cut out of the sheet or bent.


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I recently got a canopy handle which was not punched in my finish kit. It looked to be laser cut? Or perhaps they water cut these?
It was cut by water jet.
Common on some thick parts where it is important for the part to remain very flat.
If it was laser cut there would be burn marks.
There is a post on the Facebook RV-14 page stating that a builder recently received j-channel that had laser-cut holes and was then covered with blue plastic film.

Van's responded: "Van’s Aircraft is aware of this report. The fact that a laser-cut part remained in our inventory, despite our attempts to clear all laser-cut parts from our warehouses, necessitates prioritizing this issue and giving it the highest level of attention. Our team is conducting an exhaustive inventory inspection to ensure no laser-cut parts remain in our inventory. Additionally, we are investigating how the laser-cut part ended up in a customer shipment. As a precautionary measure we have halted all packing and shipping until our inspection has been completed. We will provide daily updates until the completion of our inspection."
Did Van's actually say that, or did someone else quote them and say that they said it? If the latter I'd be highly suspicious of it being an internet hoax.
These are the parts under question. If legit, then Van's would have laser-cut the holes, then wrapped the entire sheet in blue film, then punched out the part and bent it. I'm not sure in the process when sheets get wrapped in film, but Greg has mentioned before that it is done in-house. The blue film does not appear to have cut through, so the film had to be applied after the holes were cut, but before the parts were cut out of the sheet or bent.
Oh ya. That is laser cut (using the wrong attack program, that is, LCP is not all that bad) that piece shows the tell tale cut like a "Sore Mouthed Beaver" as my late father-in-law would say.
FWIW, I've been a pretty continuous critic of Van's throughout this LCP/Bankruptcy/Price soap opera, but in this case I'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt because the situation is just too screwy otherwise.

It is, of course, something to be aware of and Van's should follow through with the "daily updates" (which I haven't seen publicly posted).

I know, I know: it isn't paranoia if they are really out to get you... :)
Did Van's actually say that, or did someone else quote them and say that they said it? If the latter I'd be highly suspicious of it being an internet hoax.

Yes, it's true guys - that comment was posted on the RV-14 group via the Van's Aircraft Facebook account.

What we learned is that the part in question was laser-cut by a third-party manufacturing vendor in 2022 and delivered to Van's as a flat (unbent) part (along with a small number of others). Blue vinyl was later applied by Van's staff prior to running it through the CNC bending process to prevent damage to the parts when bending. This practice was limited to just a few parts. This's why the holes are in the metal only, and not the vinyl. Odd, and thankfully an exceptionally rare occurrence.

As soon as this issue was reported to us, we stopped all work in the warehouse and initiated a thorough review of our entire inventory to look for any other possible laser-cut parts on the shelf. We've completed this process and found a very limited scope/number of similar parts. We have also identified all customers who could have received one of these parts and we will be reaching out directly to them to proactively ensure that they receive CNC-punched parts.
I was hoping this was an internet hoax. Guess not. So you’re telling me that I ordered replacements for LCP and those replacements may have gotten blue vinyl covered and also be LCP? Sweet Mary mother when does it end? Tired of sorting this kit umpteen million times. I specifically sorted out the blue vinyl as good to go and made the “discounted” (discounted is used loosely) LCP replacement order. This is becoming the fart that should not be trusted.

Now what? #soupsandwich.
If I were Van's and a customer reported they got a blue-vinyl-wrapped laser cut part (even years from now) , I'd send them a replacement no questions asked. Its just like any other defective part at this stage, isn't it?

But of course, I'm not Van's.... 😁
If I were Van's and a customer reported they got a blue-vinyl-wrapped laser cut part (even years from now) , I'd send them a replacement no questions asked. Its just like any other defective part at this stage, isn't it?

But of course, I'm not Van's.... 😁
Did someone say they didn't? I guess I missed that part...
UPS Tracking says that ALL of my LCP replacements are to arrive today !! The same day that I received Greg's (Vans) e-mail stating that a blue wrapped replacement part is actually another LCP, and another replacement will be sent ASAP.
THANK You Stigaro for bringing this to Van's and our attention through this GREAT forum, and, THANK YOU Greg Hughes for your honesty and attention in this matter.
UPS Tracking says that ALL of my LCP replacements are to arrive today !! The same day that I received Greg's (Vans) e-mail stating that a blue wrapped replacement part is actually another LCP, and another replacement will be sent ASAP.
THANK You Stigaro for bringing this to Van's and our attention through this GREAT forum, and, THANK YOU Greg Hughes for your honesty and attention in this matter.
I am thankful it wasn’t me who came across this. I just reposted the photos from the Facebook page for those unable to access them. I am glad that Vans has responded quickly to determine how this happened and hopefully has limited the damage.
I am thankful it wasn’t me who came across this. I just reposted the photos from the Facebook page for those unable to access them. I am glad that Vans has responded quickly to determine how this happened and hopefully has limited the damage.
Agreed! They look to be much more proactive in dealing with this. I just received an email indicating I may have received one or more potential LCP in my replacement LCP shipment, and will be receiving replacement parts ASAP. Third time's a charm. 😆
Same, but I had checked my pieces but at the first Facebook post and my parts were dec 2023 stamped, and do not look like lcp, so just something to watch.
Take it from a person that works in the certified aircraft world...In my book, Vans gets an A+ for parts traceability...maybe not so good in past decision making...but, hopefully, we can all move forward. As will I, once I receive my replacement replacements.
Just for a bit of info, if you laser cut metal with film ON THE TOP SIDE, the shielding gasses will, often times, get under the film and blow a bubble under the film. It will typically wrap up around the cutting head and cause a machine fault and require lots of clean up. For this reason, film would be applied, at least to the top, after the cut, and before the bending. The film helps to keep the die marks from scarring the parts during the bending process.

And I agree with the other poster that the other part in question appears to be cut with a waterjet.
So they found 16 unique part numbers in their inventory at the warehouse and identified them. Were there other part numbers yet to be identified because they were depleted from inventory and already shipped? Waiting on crowdsourcing to see what other easter eggs are out there? Or do they know for a fact they only did those 16?
I think many of us got that latest email. Did it only go out to 16 people or did it go out to just about anyone who ordered replacement parts during a specific time frame?

BTW my only affected part was for a single wing rib and it is very clearly not laser cut.
Take it from a person that works in the certified aircraft world...In my book, Vans gets an A+ for parts traceability...maybe not so good in past decision making...but, hopefully, we can all move forward. As will I, once I receive my replacement replacements.
I have to disagree. That they had to stop work, review their entire inventory and attempt to "discover" other similar parts means they weren't able to trace from supplier to finished/shipped product to customer, or in the other direction.
For clarity, can the blue plastic process be explained?

When is it applied in the process?
Why was it overwhelming not applied during LCP process?
When, why was it applied on these 16 part numbers during the LCP process? Was it done for reasons that would have applied to other parts not yet identified?

Trying to figure out how we got here. Why blue plastic was noted as 100% punched per Vans LCP identification process.

Other than finding leftovers in inventory if Vans has any idea if there are other parts that were not found in inventory because they were depleted from inventory used filling orders.

This is more likely than not a Greg H question.
My understanding is that there were a few parts that had significant forming operations to manufacture them that after the sheets had the holes cut, the film was applied to protect the surface of the part and lubricate the dies during forming.
Going on the significant forming theory, usually when there’s a Left part there’s a Right part. I’d imagine both receive significant forming.

The RV-8 parts don’t have a left or right affected companion.

How did the the other half escape the same fate?


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