
Well Known Member
Anyone have that large Dynon 100 in the panel yet? I?m thinking of going for the big one if Dynon is planning on software updates for round style flight gauge displays (g-meter, VSI etc?) :cool:
Brad RV-6A firewall forward.
Saw D100 at Sebring - Looked Good

I saw the D100 at the Sebring LSA Expo this past weekend. Dynon was there with a D100 and D10A side-by-side. The display was readable in the sun, better than the D10A, but it did wash out a little.

The larger format made for larger numbers on the airspeed and altitude tapes, improving readibility. I'd definately go for the D100 over the D10A if you have the space.

That will be mine on the RV7 panel thread. I have updated my site with more pictures of the installation. - click on "Construction" page (third down on left). You will see the details of my Dynon D100 installation.

I have also installed the remote compass but have not posted the pictures to my site yet. It's behind the baggage compartment.


There's about a year lag from new equipment introduction to when it's flying. The D100 came out last summer/fall. Hopefully we'll get some flying reports soon.
D-100 in RV-4

Here is my D-100 in my RV-4 Panel. The space below is for my Garmin 196.

I like the Jeweled panel - you do that yourself? I was thinking of doing that to the engine firewall to add a little bling.
panel design

Yes that my first attempt to finish the panel. I really didn't want to paint it. This is done with a round scotchbrite pad mounted in the drill press working right to left bottom to top. The problem I had was the throat depth didn't give me the reach I really needed to reach across the whole panel. I'll have to make a rig to hold a drill perpendicular to the work surface but that can give me more reach.

Philip Mercier RV-4
Abbotsford BC
I had the opportunity to fly one on a nice sunny clear day last week. The D-100 EFIS was one of the items we retrofitted into a brand new Flight Designs CTSW (off topic these are becoming very popular) and of course I just HAD to do a "test flight" to make sure everything worked. I shot this pic shortly after landing while the sun was still bright so everyone could compare the sunlight readability beside the other stuff in the panel like the AvMap. While this plane is a high wing, it's a lot like riding in a helicopter...surrounded by glass. I flew it all over the place and it was such a nice cold day that I ran the calibration routine in the air. Anyway, it's darned easy to read!


P.S., we have 4 more of these brand new CT's on the schedule to install D-100's or GRT's they are quite popular, even with the LSA crowd.
D100 in the panel

Here's my 6A tiltup with the D100 up and running. Very cool, in the hangar anyway! I put my switches at the top too (from another thread).

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SteinAir said:
P.S., we have 4 more of these brand new CT's on the schedule to install D-100's or GRT's they are quite popular, even with the LSA crowd.
Nice work!

FlightDesign is offering the D100/D120 package as a factory option for the CT. Are you doing the new aircraft installs for them?

We are in fact doing new aircraft installs in CT's as are the folks at Lockwood/Sebring Aviation down in FL. While some customers may choose to have it done at the factory, we're seeing a lot of the owners preferring to have that as well as additional avionics customized and installed in their new airplanes once they're in the US, so they basically just order it with the bare bones stuff in it. Plus, the exchange rates sometimes make it more economical to have it done on this side. Also, Dynon isn't the only ones, we have 1 on the schedule upcoming with GRT's and a 2 axis Trutrak going into it!

As a side note, below is another panel pic (we're not quite done with the panel...but almost) of an F-1 rocket with the D-100 in it.




As a man with Dynon flight experience, how would the Dynon be in an upset condition? By this I mean the screen is all brown, or all blue. You are pitched way up, or way down, but you have no outside vis, you are in cloud. From my understanding, and looking at the pictures, the Dynon has no pitch degree markings on the attitude lines. How then would you ascertain whether to push or pull to recover without this information? How would you know if you were inverted or not??

I have queried Dynon on this point more than once, and they know that I think that this is a REQUIREMENT for any pitch instrument. However, they have not rectified this omission with the bigger instrument. (I initially pointed this out on the D10A, where they pleaded memory restrictions.)

The other thing I do not like is the positioning of the enlarged present airspeed and altitude numerals. These should be embedded in the midpoint of the scrolling tapes and not at the top, which puts the numerical values out of sequence with the adjacent airspeed and altitude tapes.

Having flown glass for some years on big iron, I see no need to change things for the sake of change by this company. The industry standard EFIS works better than this unit for the aforementioned reasons.

I can't figure out why they won't listen to me. I would buy one if they fixed it.

Cheers, Pete
I'm not sure I can answer all the previous questions...but I'll put in my 2 cents as usual! Regarding unusual attitudes, I frankly dont' think it matters all that much, because even my $1200 cageable certified sigmatek is worthless at the top of a loop or on the downside of a cuban 8. I was out flying today and realized, when doing wifferdill, I've never relly paid attention to most of my instruments other than airspeed. I'm usually paying more attention to keeping the upline on my loop straight, then the downside correct, and the speed across the top ok.

Anyway, my point is that in unusual attitudes of more than 45 degrees of bank and 30 degrees of pitch 99% of standard gyros do you no good either. Since the huge majority of regular gyros are only 360 in roll and not 360 in pitch, they are worthless beyond a point. So the fact that they Dyno shows all blue or all brown at least should be an improvement over my normal gyro which at that point is just useless.

Outside the clouds you should be able to recover from any most attitudes anyway (just step on the sky) and if you're in the clouds there are very few instruments that I'm aware of (EFIS or standard) that will do you much good if you're inverted or pointing straight up/down anyway. I too come from the big iron birds....I'll have to check out the 57 or whale (I'd try it in the 320, but the @#$^ computer won't let you go beyond a 60 degree bank or 30 degree pitch unless you spend a bunch of time - the computer always gets the last vote) the next time I'm goofing around in the sim and see what they show when pointed straight up or down (I know it's possible to loop and roll all the Boeing stuff). The only units out there that I'm aware of that give you any indication of what to do in those scenarios are the Chelton unis (which flash huge red arrows on the screen) or the trutrak ADI which also flashes arrows at you for recovery. Other than that I'm unuaware of any lower end GA EFIS systems which will help you.

My opinion is they are already far superior to my certified gyros which are completely useless after most "departures from straight and level flight". Today after a couple cuban 8's I had both my DG and Attitude indicators both spinning and tumbling wildly (but my trutrak was still spot on).

Regarding Dynons decision for placement of the ASI and ALT windows, I have no knowledge as to why it was done that way, other than I'm guessing the though was having it higher on the display was a human factors decision.

Your idea (and mine in the airline world) of "industry standard efis" really isn't apples & apples to GA. So far I've yet to see any sort of standards among all the EFIS builders that I represent. Each one has it's own characteristics that are very unique to each one. Even in the certified world there really isn't much for standards. Hell, in the 757 sim at good ole NWA, you can quickly change the EFIS screens to show the "standard displays" for NWA, Continental, Delta, American, United, (depending on who's being trained) etc.. and it's amazing to see all the sometimes subtle (and sometimes huge) differences between how each airline has their particular units and displays configured. For example, some use typical FD displays, some use cross hairs, some use velocity vectoring....and the most amusing to me...some airlines have the airspeed tapes running from top to bottome (high to low) and some of them are just the opposite! Then, you mix in the airbus stuff with the Boeing stuff and you really get a bizarre mixture of standards.

My point to this rambling monologue is that until this all gets sorted out, each company has their own way of doing things for their own reasons (not always known to us) and I think each one of them truly believes they want to set the standard. All of the leaders currently selling EFIS's, be it Dynon, BMA, GRT, Chelton, etc.. has chosen to do things certain ways, and if you choose those units you have to learn each ones characteristics. The only one I've seen that is truly configurable from a display perspective is once again the Chelton stuff which allows you to select the old "meatball" Attitude indicator replete with Flight Directors, or a mix of plain PFD with or without terrain, HSI, VOR, velocity vectors, etc.. but that's what you should expect out of the higher buck units....not out of the $2K ones.

Just my 2 cents as usual!

Hmmmm, Good Points!


Those are some good points you have made. I guess I am just too familiar with the Boeing stuff to like the Dynon. The Grand Rapids unit however seems to be designed by the ex-Boeing EFIS programmer so that is the way we are headed. Plus, for the same money, you can hook up your GPS to the display and get IAS, TAS, wind, And G/S, all on the same display.

As for the attitude, I have rolled the 767 sim and the PFD does a great job of showing the correct attitude. (Man does that baby ever go around!!!)

The Grand Rapids display has little right angled hooks on the end of each attitude marker which point to the ground, plus each 10 degrees is labelled all the way around. I like that.

Anyway, thanks for your perspective, it is very educated and informative and helps to put it into balance for me.
Cheers, Pete