
Well Known Member
Last weekend at the RMRFI at Front Range in Denver, Aeroworks model airplane company was there on display and for demo flights. They primarily deal in large scale aerobatic planes up to 40% size. I have 3 of their planes that I have competed with over the years. The owner is a friend of mine and we were discussing RV's. When I told him I owned an RV7 he said he had been kicking around the idea of doing a very scale model of the RV. The size would be for a 50cc sized engine with a wing span in the 84-100" range. He wondered what the interest level would be.

He asked what model to use to get started. I suggested doing a 7 and 8, both tail and nose gear versions. This way he would only need to tool for one flavor of wings and tail group. They also represent the most being sold now.

The model would be Almost Ready to Fly (arf for those not in RC). We discussed doing the finish in all white so the owners could customize to their "real" RV scheme. To fly all you would need is the engine and radio gear.

I felt that this model would be popular with people who fly RC and those who don't but would like a nearly perfectly scaled model for their hangar, home or office.

Based on the cost of his current ARF's, the cost for the RV would be somewhere around $1000. Sound like a lot but we're talking a BIG model here that is already built.

I will forward this link to him so he can watch the progress of the interest.

Sounds cool to me. I'M IN!!!

I was in the process of designing a 1/3rd scale version of a 6A before I realized that I should just build a real one!

I plan to get back to it once the dust settles from finishing my 6A. I have a Saito 3.0 twin 4 stroke new in the box that I will design it around.

Arf's are great to get in the air fast, but I still like building from scratch.

Hey Darwin!!! I fly RC and would very much be interested in a 7A (tipup, of course). I've been looking around and any RV models have been too small or too hokey looking. This would be great!!!

Hey Darwin,

I'm in! As soon as I got my full size in the air, I was going to start on a giant scale RV. But also thought about building one of these for a friend with an -8. It's a great little RV-4 kit but thought about bashing it into the -8.


Unfortunately my transportation right now limits my fuse length to about 70" :mad: so I guess that puts it about 29% scale for an RV-7 model.

- Scott