
Sidney, BC, Canada
The weather gods appear to be, well, if not smiling on us at least a strong smirk.

Anyone within flying distance is invited to join us to celebrate the 75th year of the Langley, BC airport, *and* the 100th anniversary of the first flight of a licensed woman pilot in Canada.

We started the festivities with a flypast over the city commemorating the 75th anniversary... We hoped to have 75 aircraft but in the end we only had 56 at briefing time. In long trail, it takes about half an hour just to launch that many planes!

Today we have a food tent with homemade baked goods, chili, burgers, and hot dogs. Vans Aircraft will be bringing an aircraft up too, not sure which one yet. A number of local aircraft-related vendors will be on the field too.

Come join us if you can! For visitors from the US, customs will *not* be available on the field, but Boundary Bay (5 min west) or Abbotsford (5 min east) can help you with that. Don't forget to file your flight plan and EAPIS!
Oh! And most importantly: fuel is on sale this weekend at Langley: 100LL is $1.69/L until Sunday.

(Those of you south of the border stop laughing... :) Around here, that *is* a good price!)