Mike Buettgenbach

Active Member
New build, almost ready for first engine run

All things have checked out proper, up to now
Power on, Lane A + B on --> approx 2-3 sec Lane B goes out and lane A (annunciation) goes to about half brilliance.

No faults noted on the fault page.

No troubleshooting yet. (It's really cold in the hanger right now)

Any ideas?
Thx guys!
Are the lane lights LEDs? An LED Lane light needs both a series and a parallel resistor.
Those resistors could be internal to the lamp. Or they could be external to the LED.
The parallel resistor prevents the LED from glowing dimly when the controlling solid state switch is off.
If the parallel resistor is defective or missing, a 1K5 (1.5KΩ) resistor can be connected between the two wires.

The circuit does have resistors in it not sure if they are easily accessible in the ignition module to check.

I just spent the week tracking down a Lane A fault light problem and the issue turned out to be a wiring issue with the harness. When I spoke to Lockwood they said they had seen a few issues with the Vans harness over the last months.

I think it may be worth checking the two wires are in the right connector pins and also the HIC A connector is firmly seated and no pin has been pushed out. You will need to disconnect the Dsub at the ignition module and then at the HIC module then pop open the shells - Vans has the wiring diagram on line.
