
Can you tell me what is the best way to land with passenger over 200 lbs
I try 75 kts and 80 kts main landing but on touch down the tail goes to fast down and give positive Angle of attack on the wing So bounce !
Three point was ok . But if alone on the plane no problem at all do main landing.
Any suggestions?

Can you tell me what is the best way to land with passenger over 200 lbs
I try 75 kts and 80 kts main landing but on touch down the tail goes to fast down and give positive Angle of attack on the wing So bounce !
Three point was ok . But if alone on the plane no problem at all do main landing.
Any suggestions?
I'm doing my flight testing on my RV-8 and most of those tests are at MTOW, so I've filled my baggage areas with ziploc bags of sand, along with the passenger seat, all securely fastened.

I fly about 80 on final, cross the fence at about 75, and can either 3-point or wheel land it, depending if I get my height right or not. Full flaps. When I do it right, it's a wheelie, if I don't get down to the runway correctly, 3-pointer.

You may want to run a clear W&B on your aircraft to ensure you are still in the right range if these numbers are not working for you. Also, perhaps do some simulated approaches to pre-stall buffeting at 2-3k AGL to get the feeling. 75-80 landing speed seems a bit fast at least for my RV-8 it would be. Good luck, and push Paul to write that definitive guide! :D
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I find it hard to hold the tail up in the Rocket if I am not correctly trimmed. Make a conscientious effort to have the aircraft trimmed hands off at 80 knots. It’s easy with the light RV stick forces not to be trimmed.
Can you tell me what is the best way to land with passenger over 200 lbs
I try 75 kts and 80 kts main landing but on touch down the tail goes to fast down and give positive Angle of attack on the wing So bounce !
Three point was ok . But if alone on the plane no problem at all do main landing.
Any suggestions?

Try adding a touch of power just before touchdown. If you have a constant speed prop, and the engine is at idle, you have a massive speed brake deployed, and you’ll slow below a point where you can’t control pitch properly. Adding power gives you better control during that ticklish touchdown phase where the aft CG is essentially reversing the pressure gradient on the stick.

Or leave the prop at 2300 or 2400 - less braking.

We find the MT 3 blade prop on our 7 really acts like a sky anchor, so normally leave it in cruise for landing. If you need to go around, there is still plenty of power and on the 8, the forward sweep of applying power catches the prop as well.

Try it without your buddy and you will get good results.

Oh, and no full flap either, unless you are going into a short strip.

Mid flap, less than full fine - sweet landings !
I have found that keeping the throttle cracked just a hair until the mains touch works well. It keeps it from dropping in and bouncing if you haven’t timed the flare just right. After all, who of us can consistently flare dead-stick 1-2 inches off the deck? Not me. I used to use half flaps but now use full flaps...less tendency for it to want to keep flying. Also, with a px I keep adding forward pressure on the stick after the mains are down to keep the tail off until it settles gently. By now you are going as slow as possible. You may float a little with this method but I find it’s easier to grease them this way. You may need a different technique if you are landing on short strips. My 2 cents...your results may vary.
I have found that keeping the throttle cracked just a hair until the mains touch works well.......but now use full flaps...less tendency for it to want to keep flying. Also, with a px I keep adding forward pressure on the stick after the mains are down to keep the tail off until it settles gently.

Ditto, keep a little power and trim 5 kts faster than empty to help with the light elevator at aft cg.