
Well Known Member
I've been playing around with cameras on my plane off and on and recently decided to try out making a movie using iMovie on my iPad.

Well, it's no academy award winner and it's not polished at all but it was pretty quick to do and it's all the complexity that I need. Also, it's neat to see what the gear does on a grass strip.

Trying to synchronize the various views is not easy with the iPad since iMovie doesn't appear to have any precision timeline. You just drag things around to make the action in both views sort of close but they are not synchronized. Maybe on a Mac it's different but that is what I found playing with it on the iPad.

Anyway, check it out. Unfortunately my underwing cam spit out a corrupted file on the takeoff from Frazier Lake so I don't have that video. I'm going to have to go down there again to get some takeoff footage.

Here's the link:
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That was very informative for a guy who has not flown an RV. I really liked watching your video!

Thank you!
Nice video, Kelly. Once again proving that you can land a nosewheel RV on grass and end up with a useable airplane ;)

I was lucky enough to get a handful of hours in an RV-9A last year. Amazing airplanes.
Nice work Kelly. I concur on the challenge of syncing videos.

I did an under-wing video for my grass strip ...


Whoa! I'm not worthy! Nice video. I hereby nominate your video for Best Documentary (short subject) in the RV Landing on Your Own Grass Strip category!

What editing software did you use and was it tough to learn? I've tried Lightworks 14 which is free and powerful but I had a hard time figuring it out.
Under Wing Camera


Nice video. What camera and mount are you using on the underside of the wing? I only have a camera on the top of the wing right now. I almost have it dialed in as shown below. I would be interested in adding a camera under the wing also (I had a second camera on my Sportsman and liked the versatility it added).

I too would be interested in video editing software recommendations. I am using Serif (UK company) MoviePlus X6, which is no longer supported by the manufacturer. It is pretty easy to use and reasonably intuitive, but not being supported any longer I know it will eventually stop working.


Nice video. What camera and mount are you using on the underside of the wing? I only have a camera on the top of the wing right now. I almost have it dialed in as shown below. I would be interested in adding a camera under the wing also (I had a second camera on my Sportsman and liked the versatility it added).

I too would be interested in video editing software recommendations. I am using Serif (UK company) MoviePlus X6, which is no longer supported by the manufacturer. It is pretty easy to use and reasonably intuitive, but not being supported any longer I know it will eventually stop working.


The underwing camera is a old Drift HD170. A friend of mine bent up piece of flat 1/8" thick aluminum stock into an S for me. Sorry, I don't have a picture handy of it. One end of the S was drilled through to accept the wing tie down ring. The other end also has a through hole and I just run a bolt through it and into the camera. On the other end I remove the tie down ring from the airplane, run it through the aluminum camera bracket, then thread it back into the wing. I used the same camera and bracket for my first flight. In this video I mounted it with the tail tiedown ring:

The Drift does have a remote but there isn't any feedback on it indicating that the camera received your instruction. So, I just turn the camera on and let it run. I do like the rotating lens and the screen on the Drift. You can easily make the picture level, or not, by rotating the lens and checking it on the screen before you takeoff.
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Enjoyed your video. Looks like a good airport to visit.

I like you sun visors. Could you discuss how they were made or link to a website?



You're the second one to ask about the sun visors. There was somebody here on VAF years ago that was making and selling them but I can't remember who.

I can send you some detailed pictures if you want. There are two brackets that bolt on to the center support in an A mode. At the end of the brackets are a couple of cups. Inside the cups is a piece of rubber tubing which accepts the rod that protrudes from each sun visor. Pretty simple.