
Well Known Member

I'm working on my leading edge assemblies, and I'm contemplating on waiting to install any lights until later in the build. My thoughts are, the cost of HID lights have been coming down, and the technology in them has been increasing (less noise).

Has anyone installed leading edge lights on a completed wing? Or is it so much easier to do it now that I'd be stupid to hold off.

Landing Lights

You can postpone leading edge landing lights...but it's way easier to cut the holes/install nutplates, etc. while the leading edge is off the spar. I bought the Duckworks kits and put them in as I built the wing and have no regrets. The mount can easily be adapted to newer technologies when/if I decide to upgrade.

Wing Tip Lights?

Are you set on leading edge landing lights? If not, just install your landing lights in the wing tips or in the cowl. Just an idea and worth what you paid for it.
Charlie Kuss
It is always easier to install them when building the wing. Installing them after the wings are completed and installed on the aircraft is not a big issue. Do it before paint though, that way you won't screw up a great paint job. Also run the wires from the fuse out to the lamp location before you mount the wings it is a whole lot easier especially in the wing root area.
Put them in now the little time you save won't be worth the aggravation of doing it later after you start flying,.
I agree

Are you set on leading edge landing lights? If not, just install your landing lights in the wing tips or in the cowl. Just an idea and worth what you paid for it.
Charlie Kuss

I bought the Creatice Air wingtip lights and they work pretty well.. a lot less effort to install.

Duck Works on a completed wing

I installed my Duck Works lights in my completed wings which were rested upside down on a table with no problems at all. Getting my guts up to finally make those scarey leading edge cuts took some soul searching but ended up like most of the things I've worried about on this project...not so bad afterall. Access to the nut plates was fine. I used a 90 degree drill and pop rivets.

I was convinced that I was going to put the lights in the tips but the only reason for that was to avoid cutting into my leading edges. That is the main reason why I waited until my wings were done to finally make a decision. I decided against the tip locations because I thought the light pattern might be better with larger lights farther inboard like the Duck Works lights plus my friend, who was building a 7 at the time, had blazed the trail and cut his successfully.
I agree with Kelly. I fitted a Duck Works leading edge light long after the wings were complete and it was no big deal.
Jim Sharkey
RV6 - Finishing Up

PS - Any relation to the Kelly Johnson of Lockheed Skunk Works fame?
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No relation but....

I agree with Kelly. I fitted a Duck Works leading edge light long after the wings were complete and it was no big deal.
Jim Sharkey
RV6 - Finishing Up

PS - Any relation to the Kelly Johnson of Lockheed Skunk Works fame?

No relation but: My first job out of college in the mid 80's was as a Flight Test Engineer at the Skunk Works in Burbank. I'm thinking my name got them to at least look at my resume!

So, back then he was retired (and obviously still alive) but there was still a very strong connection between him and Lockheed. In fact, they kept an office for him and every morning I'd walk past it on the way to mine. He even had a secretary.

My girlfriend, who is now my wife, came down to visit me from Northern California for a week. She wanted to call me at work about something but forgot my phone number. So, she called the Lockheed operator and eventually got patched to THE Kelly Johnson's secretary and asked for me. The secretary asked who was asking and Melissa, my girlfriend/wife, told her it was his girlfriend. Remember, this guy was in his 80's at that time I bet! There was a pause and a chuckle from the other end of the phone. The secretary finally said "Oh, you mean the young Kelly Johnson". Word of my name spread very quickly at the Skunk Works.

Whenever I called somebody I always had to say "Yes, this is Kelly Johnson, no relation" because I was always asked.

I always hoped to meet the guy someday but no such luck. That would have been cool!
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Has anyone installed leading edge lights on a completed wing?

Sure, all of the Quickbuilders with Duckworks lights! :) As others have noted, the only hard part is working up the courage to drill that first hole! Just position the template carefully, cut a bit inside the line, and take your time filing/sanding the hole out to the final shape. No big deal.
I am postponing landing lights to explore more options. I will not install until after the wings are complete - I plan on using tip lights, but am not tossing out the idea of LE lights.
I installed wing tip lights when I built the plane, after my first night landing I ditched the tip lights and ordered the DW HID, the difference is literally like night and day :D
You can postpone this even to past the inspection. Landing lights are not required during your test period - it's day VFR only and after Phase I, it is up to you to determine if the airplane is legal for other types of flying, so you could install them much later (presuming you want to fly at night eventually).
