Well Known Member
Due to Covid and the lack of a bucking partner I’ve not been able to install my top wing skins. So I moved onto the leading edges, but I believe I can’t rivet these to the spars as yet because the spars have to be levelled on the bench to do the skins?

Can I install the landing light lenses at this stage, or am I better to wait until the leading edges are installed on the wings? (The leading edges seem to be pretty flexible at the moment and I’m worried about them being twisted slightly when drilling the lenses).

Interested to know if anyone did them with the leading edges on the bench.
I would suggest waiting till you had the LE skins riveted to the ribs. This would insure the lens conforms to the inside curve of the skin and you can accurately drill the screw mounting holes minimizing the potential for later tension cracks in the lens.
The leading edges may be riveted to the wings in any convenient orientation. I did mine with the wings on the bench, but I don't see why that would be necessary. I'm sure that some guys (especially the solo builders) have done it with the wings upright in a stand.

The leading edges, themselves, shouldn't twist at all once riveted, so I wouldn't hesitate to install the landing light lenses at any time.
The leading edges, themselves, shouldn't twist at all once riveted, so I wouldn't hesitate to install the landing light lenses at any time.

Mine are all riveted but not attached to the spars yet - and they are very flexible in torsion across their span. This will go away I am certain once the skin edges are fixed to the spar.
You should wait until the skins are riveted to the wing. A small change, twist, etc., in the wing while riveting will show up on the landing light lense fit if installed before the wing section is not moveable. I assume you are talking about leading edge landing lights, not the ones that go in the wingtip.