Well Known Member
In the process of installing a DUCKWORKS lens in my wing I discovered that the template "A" doesn't show the location of the six holes for the lens retainer clips even though it says it does. I bought these lights so long ago we had a Democrat in the White House. Would anybody know off hand what the dimension is from the edge of the lens hole at the center to the middle hole of the clip? I tried sizing them off the many pictures I have of RV's and it looks to be about a half to 3/4 inches or so but before I start poking holes in the skin I thought I better run it by you guys. If I can get that one measurement I'll be good to go.
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I just happen to have the print....

5/16" is the dimension.

Cutout is 5" wide by 5 1/2" high

L.Adamson --- RV6A
Thank You Mr. Adamson

That makes sense. The closer to the edge the better the seal. Thanks for helping me out so quick, I do appreciate it.
Sealing lens

I have a Clinton Era Duckworks light as well.

What's the recommendation for sealing the lens surface to the skin?
I have a Clinton Era Duckworks light as well.

What's the recommendation for sealing the lens surface to the skin?

The kit comes with some adhesive foam strips. They do not work well at all and I just trashed mine. I believe there are some threads somewhere you might search on how people have sealed them. It is quite common not to use anything, as many people have done including myself.
The kit comes with some adhesive foam strips.

My kit came with extremely thin (1/8") weatherstripping. It's pretty lame. I agree and I'm not going to use anything. The stripping looks like a dirt collector.

The Duck here, unfortunately 'a few' kits went out with that template that didn't have the holes on it, sorry about that. Mr. Adamson is correct in his dimension.

As to the 'lame' foam tape - I chose that 3/16 x 1/16 grey tape to seal the lens to the skin because it will compress to the thinness of a sheet of notebook paper. So after you fit the lens, the 'seal' doesn't work against you and push the lens away from the skin.

It's not perfect, but I think it works pretty well.

BTW - in the newer instructions I recommend that you trim the corners off of the nutplate strip on the top to allow it to fit inside the curve of the lense better. This was a tip from builders who gave me that feedback, which I appretiate.

Send me an email and I'll return a pic of that.
[email protected]
And please, feel free to contact me.
My kit came with extremely thin (1/8") weatherstripping. It's pretty lame. I agree and I'm not going to use anything. The stripping looks like a dirt collector.

I pulled my lens off a couple of weeks ago. First time in 7 years. The cheesy, thin weatherstripping was very well adhered and seemed to be doing a great job of sealing the lens. This surprised me because when I installed that weatherstripping, I thought "this stuff is junk, but I'll use it anyway".

I recommend using it. It works...
I'm Sorry Don


As to the 'lame' foam tape - I chose that 3/16 x 1/16 grey tape to seal the lens to the skin because it will compress to the thinness of a sheet of notebook paper. So after you fit the lens, the 'seal' doesn't work against you and push the lens away from the skin. It's not perfect, but I think it works pretty well.
Don I have to apologize here. After I read this quote a few minutes ago I ran down to the shop to check my kit because I swore that what I had was very thin white foam stripping like you'd find at the local Home Depot. I was almost hoping I had some early type that you had abandoned for the gray tape since my kits are so old. I had been supplied with some of the white stuff with a hatch kit for a boat and it disintegrated within a year.
What I found was exactly what you described. I was actually looking for something similar today but couldn't find anything thin enough like yours.
I am going to use the gray tape now but I really wish it was a little wider. Maybe 3/8 or so but then that's just me.
Other than that the lights are a perfect match for the RV.;)
Template/Foam Tape

no problem, not sure why you want it wider, but, I could always mail you another piece and you could 'double up'.
Kyle, thanks for update on your experience with it.
Just Being Me

Don I don't exactly know either. I tend to over do it a little sometimes. Always thinking I can make it better. I'm just so thankful for guys like Kyle and others on this site with experience who can keep me straight. I even toyed with the thought of using silicone.:eek:

no problem, not sure why you want it wider, but, I could always mail you another piece and you could 'double up'.
Kyle, thanks for update on your experience with it.

My tape is no more good.
Can you specify the brand of grey tape you use? Perhaps I can get it locally.