
G'day all, I'm up to installing the landing light. The instructions from Vans assume the wing is built, but mine are still a work in progress. I seem to remember a post or two regarding installing the landing light during the wing building process, but a search can't find it.

Any pointers would be most gratefully received.

Cheers, Mitch
Thanks Bill - yours was the post that I remembered reading and thinking at the time that it was very helpful. I'm glad you pointed it out to me again.

I now realise why a search didn't pick it up. I was searching for "Lighting Kit" which words do not appear in your post. Silly ol' me !!

Again, my thanks

I just finished installing mine while building the wing. I pity those who try to install it after the plane is complelted!
I just finished installing mine while building the wing. I pity those who try to install it after the plane is complelted!

It's wasn't a problem. I was flying before the kit came out and I added it later, before paint. ;)
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My biggest problem was getting the inboard mounting bolt started into the light unit. I finally drilled out the rivets in the brackets, bolted them on the light unit, then put the whole assembly back in position to rivet again. My oversize arthritic hands were no help either. That was AFTER I had made a mistake, and thought I could insert the plastic lens AFTER I had mounted the light - no way.