
I'm New Here
hi has anyone worked on a way to straighten the main gear to stop tire ware
on one side. has the shins that van,s sells been tried
best Pat
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What I tried - -

I bought a shim from Vans and am trying it. Also Desser retreads helps extend tire life. Originals are softer and wear quickly. No idea if shim will help.
hi has anyone worked on a way to straighten the main gear to stop tire ware
on one side. has the shins that van,s sells been tried
best Pat

No! This has been discussed many times on the form. Basically when you takeoff they spring tension on the gear is released and the move down and in a small amount. When you land they spring out and up causing the wear. Tires last approximately 325 hours under heavy use so around 150 hrs flip the tires on the rims and keep motoring.;)