
Well Known Member
Hi gang:

As part of the Weight and Balance, our MD-RA inspectors require an equipment list of various parts of the airframe and thier weight and arm.

One of the items listed is the landing gear weight. I'm not about to take my landing gear back off again and weigh it, so does anyone have a weight or educated guess as to what RV-6A landing gear rods weigh? Both the main and nose gear rods.

My final inspection is Monday, so I hope to have all the paper work in place by then.

Thanks, Terry.
I would send an email to Van's right now as a back up of someone here doesn't come through....... Van's ships them all the time.

I would really like to know why they need the weight...... They are one of the most required (can't fly without them) parts on the aircraft and would be considered as part of the airframe just like firewall or the motor mount.

When I was getting ready for my final inspection, I didn't itemize everything; I weighed the aircraft and the CofG was within limits. The MC/RA inspector didn't ask for an itemized list, because, if you think about it, at this stage, it's not required.

Now, if I start adding or subtracting things down the road, I'll have to know the arm/weight so it can be sorted on paper without re-weighing.

I know it's a little late to start a discussion with the Inspector, but it might be worthy of asking why he would want to know that info...?
Could it be with respect to the removable wheel pants and fairings?

I did two W&B calculations for my sign off since I intended to fly without those parts for the first few flights.

Sorry I don't have the numbers since I'm away from my computer.