Well Known Member
Has anyone ever put a RV-4 or Rocket type landing gear on an RV-8? Just wondering.
good question.

Always thought the fast back mod and rocket gear would look pretty good. (maybe clip the wings a bit too...)
An "almost" rocket?

I know at least one person has. coming back from OSH last year we stoped for the night in MO. Taxiing out the next day there was an 8 with Whitman style gear taxiing in. If I remember correctly he said it was a 8A QB kit that he wanted to make a tailwheel. I think we got a picture, ill see what i can find.
'Fastback RV-8' with whitman gear? 'Almost Rocket'? How about a Rocket-Lite? I think Larry Vetterman just built one of those or is about to. It's an F1 Rocket with and O-360. You don't need to re-invent the wheel. It already exists.

'Fastback RV-8' with whitman gear? 'Almost Rocket'? How about a Rocket-Lite? I think Larry Vetterman just built one of those or is about to. It's an F1 Rocket with and O-360. You don't need to re-invent the wheel. It already exists.


Not trying to. Just asking a question. I am building an RV-4 fastback and an RV-8 fastback. Just wondering about handling qualities, change in CG or anything like that if the -8 had a different gear.
More drag

I don't have the numbers in front of me but I think the -4 gear has considerable more drag than the -8 gear. Something like 2 or 3 times more. I'm sure there is an aero guy that can answer that but what I saw was a wind tunnel test report. IIRC it had everything to do with the gear leg/wheel pant intersection.
Anybody have any more info on this subject? Did a picture ever appear, or is it registered somewhere?
My $.02...

I've thought about maybe doing this as a future project myself, since the F1 kits are no longer available. New side skins, get rid of the gear towers, the weight and complexity of the spring gear and its structure....
The wittman gear certainly seems simpler than all that gear tower work, landing gear saddles and holes in the fuse etc. (yech!) not to mention the lost leg space in the cockpit. I accept that Van selected it for a reason, although I don't know what it was. I followed the plans and moved on...
Funny about that drag, I was always thinking the RV-8 gear would have more drag because the fuse intersect is so close to the wing leading edge, also with all that accelerated air from the prop comming back along the fuse in pulses. Popping air pulses at blade pass frequency over the gear leg and burbling back over the wing?
I never gave a thought to the drag of the RV-4 gear being worse at the wheel fairing intersect?
I've seen some interesting air flow directing devices above and forward of the wing leading edge, including on one (Franklinstien?) of Van's.
rod gear on an 8

My $.02...

I've thought about maybe doing this as a future project myself, since the F1 kits are no longer available. New side skins, get rid of the gear towers, the weight and complexity of the spring gear and its structure....

It's not that simple -- you gonnna need to beef up the fwd fuse just like your F1, so it can handle the loads from the gear and brakes and engine...all at the same time...I would think RV4 legs would not be up to the added weight, so you'll have to get larger ones made, along with a special engine mount.

Why not order a Rocket Lite from me? Carbon tapered wing....

BTW: the kit production is on hiatus -- it is NOT CANCELLED at this point. Can you please fix/edit your post? Thanks!

Carry on!