Just a data point .. Talked with Tom, I have a similar sound that I attribute to the main gear. Occasional "Creaking" describes it perfectly.

Edit: Can't hear it with noise cancelling headsets.
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How about on landing or roll out?
Have you lifted up to see if there is any play in the gear or perhaps look at the gear leg attachment point to see if there is any markings.
I would also take a look at other parts that could be the source but the sound would resonate to come from the gear leg area.

As a data point, I have not had any such noise.
Is there clearance around the gear leg where it passes through the fuselage just below the mount? Or it could be the leg fairing rubbing as they slide inside the cuffs.
A friend with a RV-10 detected a creaking noise coming from his gear, he jacked the plane and found a slight rotating movement of the leg in the mount. He has some oversized bolts & reamer on order to snub things up, an AN5---X size, I think he said.
Sometimes noises in the landing gear can be confirmed or isolated by sitting in the airplane and have someone rock the airplane fwd and back using the tow bar. Apply the brakes during each movement to load the gear legs longitudinally. See if you detect the sound when the brakes are applied.

If confirmed, it would be a good idea to check the torque on all landing gear hardware.

Issues such as this are particularly common if primer and/or paint was applied to surfaces in contact that are load baring. Paint and primer coatings aren't very hard and will extrude out or wear. It doesn't take much for the pre-load in bolts to change significantly.
On the 14A and the leaf type gear leg, any rotation in the gear leg is nearly impossible. But lets not discount any of the wheels and its associated components (break) as the source of noise.
Would it be feasible to tow it with a car/truck with the engine off and some one that either walks along to observe where the noise is coming from?

As part of my first taxi, I had my wife drive along the taxi way (wide enough to do) and video the gear leg and engine for any abnormal movement.
Main Gear Issue RV14-A

I just fixed this problem on my 14-A when replacing my tires. Jack up the main gear and you will be able to move the gear leg up & down. You should allow 2-3 hours per side to inspect your main landing gear. Remove the inspection panel under each seat.
Review Van's Finish drawing page 40A-04. Check all the torques for main gear U-01401 both left and right. You may need shims as described. Also, make sure the Gear Attachment Bar U-01403 is installed and tight. This is the area to look at to fix your problem. If everything is torqued correctly it will make a world of difference if the main gear it loose. The gear should not have play.

I also replaced my Van's Aero tires with Michelin Aviator 500X5. Ground handling is much improved. I spent several hours on this tire and gear project and it is well worth the effort.
On the 14A and the leaf type gear leg, any rotation in the gear leg is nearly impossible. But lets not discount any of the wheels and its associated components (break) as the source of noise.
Would it be feasible to tow it with a car/truck with the engine off and some one that either walks along to observe where the noise is coming from?

As part of my first taxi, I had my wife drive along the taxi way (wide enough to do) and video the gear leg and engine for any abnormal movement.

And don't discount the gear leg(s) them selves being a source of noise, just because they are not round legs like on the most of the other RV models.
And don't discount the gear leg(s) them selves being a source of noise, just because they are not round legs like on the most of the other RV models.

Agreed, I was only referring to the possibility of rotation. I don't know if there is much chance for rotation in the gear leg
If noise can be related to movement of the nose gear, check the two bushings at the nose gear pivot point. Vans has a loose tolerance on these and loose ones can cause a metallic clicking type sound as the nose gear hits ruts or bumps. You will find details in the 10 section.

Also look at the bushing for the damper arm.

Ihad to make custom bushings to get a quality fit up on my 10.
Also check that you damper donuts didn’t compress and need another shim.

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I have the squeaking too

For the last few days I have been searching the cause of a wobble on taxi. Today we went through a few things to figure out what and one of them was to hold the brakes on while another person used the wing to push the plane forward and back. As soon as he pushed and pulled the squeaking noise was evident at the gear leg attachment point (rv6a). We weren't looking for the squeak we were trying to see how much play was in the gear leg (we had felt a bit lifting it up and wanted to see how much that transmitted to the end of the leg).

Tonight is the researching faze. That's how i found your post. Can you tell me what the results of your problem were?

Creak creak

My Rv7 left gear was doing the creak creak thing taxing around.
Whilst on the ramp/ hangar a push down on the left wing...creak.
Push again ..nothing. Pull up on wing nothing...push down again..creak.
Eventually I disconnected the brake line Took out the retaining bolt and dropped the gear leg a few inches and greased up the top and bottom leg/ engine mount “interface” contact areas.

Creak gone! Did both sides.

I know yours is a nosewheel but this may help?