Well Known Member
I’m on page 8-28 of the rv8 fuse instructions. Cockpit rails are on with the rails from the fastback kit. The instructions next have me wrap a strap around the fuse to align the longeron vertexes with the edges of the landing gear box webs.

In my case they don’t get there without a whole lot of force. Is this something to just force into place? The tabs under the longerons are in good position about 1/16-1/8 short of the vertex. At that point there is good edge distance in the longerons.

How has this gone for others?
Well I just muscled thru. The tab for the box at the longeron has to be readjusted. But the box web is drilled at the vertex. Took a fair amt of strapping force.
Thanks for the update. .I was hoping others would have chimed in with their advice, as I plan on doing the fastback also and wanted to know what I'm up against. .