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Landing Fees are coming… KDED , KOMN and KFIN in Florida have signed up to collect landing fees …$3 per 1000 lbs . The ADSB we all had to install is the tracker for billing.
Glad mine is a Uvavionics on my rudder ….. nav lights have a toggle 😎
Landing Fees are coming… KDED , KOMN and KFIN in Florida have signed up to collect landing fees …$3 per 1000 lbs . The ADSB we all had to install is the tracker for billing.
Glad mine is a Uvavionics on my rudder ….. nav lights have a toggle 😎
How about anonymous mode? Would that work?
I’m guessing this is a disaster for anyone doing pattern work. I read the AOPA article and it doesn’t say if it’s per landing. I’m sure it is based on the way they charge by ADSB.
I’m guessing this is a disaster for anyone doing pattern work. I read the AOPA article and it doesn’t say if it’s per landing. I’m sure it is based on the way they charge by ADSB.
Airport manager said a touch & go is priced per landing… Emery Riddle practically lives at at KFIN .. my home field. AirPort Manager said he’s expecting $300,000 per year in landing fees ..
Airport manager said a touch & go is priced per landing… Emery Riddle practically lives at at KFIN .. my home field. AirPort Manager said he’s expecting $300,000 per year in landing fees ..
That’s insane for non commercial use…for example if I wanted to do that just for proficiency.
Landing Fees are coming… KDED , KOMN and KFIN in Florida have signed up to collect landing fees …$3 per 1000 lbs . The ADSB we all had to install is the tracker for billing.
Glad mine is a Uvavionics on my rudder ….. nav lights have a toggle 😎
Instead of a landing fee bill you’ll be getting a letter from the FAA!
If they chase away traffic with fees they will get fewer movements, fewer movements mean, less federal funding. Traffic will go to non fee airports, non fee airports will get more movements and more fed funding....
The initiative is incentivized by new technological capability to invoice operators based on ADS-B data. AOPA said in a statement that Florida contracted with a company named Virtower, which has a strategic partnership with Vector Airport Systems to use Virtower’s ADS-B data to automatically invoice aircraft operators. Vector has been reaching out to Florida airport sponsors to pitch its services
The initiative is incentivized by new technological capability to invoice operators based on ADS-B data. AOPA said in a statement that Florida contracted with a company named Virtower, which has a strategic partnership with Vector Airport Systems to use Virtower’s ADS-B data to automatically invoice aircraft operators. Vector has been reaching out to Florida airport sponsors to pitch its services
Hopefully Foreflight will display this info in big bold letters so we all can boycott these airports!
I may be the odd one out here but... I detest landing and tie down fees. Our tax money paid for the ramps. I was at a small airport for a couple hours and never even went into the FBO. My ride brought me back and I got in and fired up. The FBO contacted me on the radio and said I owed them a fee. I shut down and went in and paid. I feel like it would be the same as some small private business owner charging me a fee for driving down a public road which passes their store. I recently saw a YouTuber who I won't mention that landed someplace in north eastern Ohio IIRC and he had to pay $100. Said he was there only 10 minutes.
I am just totally against them and agree with Walt about sharing information boycotting them!
It can happen anywhere. 5C1. Boerne-Stage. A small airport just northwest of San Antonio. A friend used to hangar there, and moved his aircraft to another location a few years ago for convenience. Recently, he made a landing, visited an acquaintance, and got a bill in the mail a month later. He had no idea they implemented landing fees. It’s not very easy to find this information, without searching. After searching I found the web link for fee information. And this is just a little GA airport in Texas, outside any class B, C, or D airspace.

And, it looks like they want to catch transient aircraft off guard.

Comments from AirNav users​
Boerne Stage Field has requested that AirNav not collect or publish user comments. For any feedback or customer service inquiries, please contact Boerne Stage Field directly.
How are these fees enforced? If the plane was registered in an LLC that fell on hard times after it accumulated a number of fees could they be negotiated down?
It can happen anywhere. 5C1. Boerne-Stage. A small airport just northwest of San Antonio. A friend used to hangar there, and moved his aircraft to another location a few years ago for convenience. Recently, he made a landing, visited an acquaintance, and got a bill in the mail a month later. He had no idea they implemented landing fees. It’s not very easy to find this information, without searching. After searching I found the web link for fee information. And this is just a little GA airport in Texas, outside any class B, C, or D airspace.

ForeFlight comments on 5C1 are already popping up a lot of negative comments. Two fees, landing and ramp. Ramp fee waved with pricey fuel but landing fee not waived. Will add them to my "do not support" list right along with Signature….
The initiative is incentivized by new technological capability to invoice operators based on ADS-B data. AOPA said in a statement that Florida contracted with a company named Virtower, which has a strategic partnership with Vector Airport Systems to use Virtower’s ADS-B data to automatically invoice aircraft operators. Vector has been reaching out to Florida airport sponsors to pitch its services
Their website says they also aggregate other data sources like flight following and IFR clearances cross referencing the tail number. So it doesn’t look like it is solely based off ADSB. They use any and all info available to catch you landing at an airport in order to charge. Not GA friendly.
Yea, this really needs to be displayed front and center in ForeFlight, Garmin, AirNav and so on. Sounds like a minefield for GA.
I may be the odd one out here but... I detest landing and tie down fees. Our tax money paid for the ramps.


When an FBO leases from the airport (city, county, etc) the leasehold becomes the responsibility of the FBO. So this means that federal funding is not/cannot be used to build, or maintain the ramps. Thus, your tax dollars may not, and in most cases did not, pay for the ramps.

IMO this concern needs to be voiced to the airports that don't provide transient parking on non-FBO leased property. The FBOs need to charge to recoup their lease costs, as they're paying for the space that you're parking on, so it's not reasonable to blame them for wanting to charge you.
How about anonymous mode? Would that work?
Yes. As long as you don’t use ATC. Anonymous mode has the unit create a randomized ICAO code inside their onboard circuits. So no external system can reverse the real code from that. You are still seen on everybody’s display as a target with every detail they need to know, save and except who the registration or owner is.
Mode C with UAT “out” and an anonymous switch. Only real way to remove private information from your target.
@SPX. Not true. Apparently you’re not familiar with how FAA Airport Improvement Project funding works. AIP funding is used all the time at airports that lease to private FBO’s. Runway repair/replacement. Taxiway R&R. New hangar construction. New fuel systems. Ramp R&R. Etc. AIP project funds come from the taxes paid on fuel purchase, among other sources, and generally require some small percentage of local match. In addition, any existing/legacy infrastructure was most likely paid for by Federal funds, perhaps with some small level of local matching funds.
Suppose one starts flight in class C with unique squawk code. Upon release from ATC for own navigation and squawk VFR, if anonymous mode is set when squawking 1200, does the aircraft ID info “disappear”, or does the continued “track” stay with the aircraft, and thus continued ID information? In other words, does Flightaware continue tracking after going anonymous mode, based on continuity of track? Asking for a friend.