Hi all, I'm looking to buy a RV4
From reading on Vans website it says that you can land solo on 300 ft
In the real world what is the reality?
I appreciate any advise from you guys
Thank you in advance.
What's your field elevation and density altitude. Approach and departure obstacles. Unusual wind conditions affected by nearby terrain. Wet or dry grass. How proficient is the pilot at controlled slow flight and max performance takeoffs. 300 ft is doable at sea level, cool temps and unobstructed approach path.

Cheers Hans
Landing distance on grass

Hi Saber25, first of all I thank you very much for responding to my question. I'm at 420 elevation, approach and departure is somewhat clear with 20 ft trees on one end, runway will be about 1,200 long by 40 ft wide. Most times the grass is dry. I had a Diamond Star 40 and I was landing fast cuz I was landing on long runways and I like to flare long way. I'm sure I can get good at landing slow if I need too, I have not fly an RV but, with good training I'm sure I can get there.
I was flying out of KEVV
My plan is to fly out of my yard 😬
It depends

I have -4 I fly out of an 1800 grass strip and the answer is it depends. On good days I could land and stop in 500' (I have 100' trees 1000' on approach and a 5' fence at the end of the rwy). On most days 900' would be plenty but on gusty windy days I need more and on wet grass/mud I've been known to use it all. Bottom line is 1200' should work fine most of the time but don't be afraid to go around and try again or go to an alternate. I have done that a time or two myself. Good luck.
I have -4 I fly out of an 1800 grass strip and the answer is it depends. On good days I could land and stop in 500' (I have 100' trees 1000' on approach and a 5' fence at the end of the rwy). On most days 900' would be plenty but on gusty windy days I need more and on wet grass/mud I've been known to use it all. Bottom line is 1200' should work fine most of the time but don't be afraid to go around and try again or go to an alternate. I have done that a time or two myself. Good luck.

Thanks Charlie
Thats great info
I like to go around every time I don't like my landings just to get a good landing
I'm very pushy with my self but I guess thats the only way to get better at anything you do in life
I may be able to extend my runway to at list 1,800' I hope

Thanks again for your help I really appreciate it.

I know RVs have short wings so the bumpy days for a DA40 with the long wings are prob not as bumpy in the RVs Am I correct?
What would you considarate to windy and to gusty to fly in your RV ?
For an everage pilot with some experience in the RVs
Thanks again in advance.