
Well Known Member
-CANCELED ....till Next year
Well RVaitors- now is your chance to enjoy a day or two on the Lake-
Lake Powell, Utah that is!
This is an impromptu gathering of RV's at PGA -yea! real short notice!:eek:
With the high pressure stuck over the southwest- This makes perfect
moderate weather to make an over nighter in a very beautiful area: the "Grand Stair Case"

When : this Saturday and Sunday, November 1st and 2nd
Where: Page – Lake Powell- PGA
Why: Talk RV's and- looks to be the final good weekend before Old Man winter!
Requirements for boarding- you must like water, rustic and building/flyingRV's-of course!
Accommodations: a 55 foot house boat (old style refurbished pontoon)-
Bring you own beverage, sleeping bags and horse shoe strategy.
First 8-10 to confirm here will have sleeping arrangements-
(probably a bunk bed) Next 6 will have top deck space-
The rest will probably need a tent. 22 RV'rs Max.

You should be able to make PGA by mid Saturday Morning- at the latest,
Transportation to/from airport to Wahweap launch ramp Saturday Morning via
Wahweap Shuttle. Shuttle will drop you off at the Wahweap Restaurant-
you will need to buy a park/Powell pass, After drop off- proceed to main
launch ramp on a heading of 080 - find the guy that is wearing a yellow
T-shirt that says: "Flagstaff airport slugs":eek:
Please confirm on this thread- more details to follow:rolleyes:
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Gary Bricker

That sound like a great time. Maybe next Time. Long run from TX. Would like to do a several day trip next year.
Needs a pic, with an RV wing in it... :)


Well, mine isn't near as good.
Hi Brad,

Wish we could join you but RV4chick already made commitments for this weekend?
Can we take a raincheck for next time?:)
So, is this an annual event??

Is not, should it be????

Lake Powell is an incredible place------
Annual Event

So, is this an annual event??
Is not, should it be????
Lake Powell is an incredible place------

Maybe it should be,
We have a kinda annual fly-in with our 182-Flagstaff group.
I was thinking this weekend would be great but probably too short a notice. Maybe too close to LOE and Copperstate?
I don't know


This sounds like a whole lot of fun, but when I asked the accountant the other night, she said not bloody likely. We have a big trip planned Thanksgiving week to CO (potentially expensive if there is enough snow to ski) so we've got to keep a lid on it right now.

Sure would like to houseboat on Powell one of these days, though. Been living in AZ for almost twenty years now, and as yet have only been able to fly over Lake Powell. I'll bet viewing the stars would be magnificent while laying in a sleeping bag on the top deck of a house boat.

We'd definitely be interested again sometime when the timing is better.

Thanks a bunch for the offer.
My first flying job was at Lake Powell Air Service flying tourons and river runners

At one of these future events, I would love to lead a caravan over the tour route including Indian ruins, Movie sites, Rainbow bridge, and lunch at Monument Valley.

A majority of the Japo/Euro tourists we flew told us that the Lake Powell/Monument Valley air tour was more spectacular than the Grand Canyon.
Count me in


I'm in on the caravan idea. I flew through Monument valley last spring, and it was the most inspiring flight I've ever made!

I'll buy lunch.
