
Well Known Member
....Thank You so very very much! We attended the fly-in get together at Lake Havasu yesterday and wish to say "Thank You" to Katie and Tom that were responsible for putting that event together. I am quite certain there is a tremendous amount of work and responsibility involved with organizing one of these things. I enjoyed (as I am sure all participants did as well), meeting other RVers, seeing their airplanes,and the discussions we were privileged to have in regards to our planes and products. This is for me, why I am involved in aviation and enjoy it so very much. The RV community is a very special group that never fails to surprise or impress. I wish we could have an event like this every month or so and I wouldn't miss a single one. Again let me say Thank You and please by all means, keep it up, we need you. Regards and Happy New Year, Allan
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It was a great time under perfect Arizona weather, and the thank you's should go to Katie and Tom who organized it...............
Photos from Havasu 1/1/12

Here care a couple of pictures we took of a few of the great people we met at the Havasu fly-in. Regards all, Allan

Fun Time

This was a great time. The weather was perfect. I can see this event growing!!! We have the potential to out grow Waldo's.

It was nice to meet you in person, Allan!!

Katie and Tom, fabulous job of organizing this gathering!!!
MANY thanks to Katie & Tom Velvick for all the coordination getting the AZ and SoCAL RV groups together!!!!!!! A GREAT time was had by ALL, and I look forward to seeing all of you (and more RVs) on January 1st, 2013!!! By my count, we had 25 RVs and 44 people attending :) Rosie










Here's one I have to include for those who have watched this bridge in front of Hoover dam being built; It's done!

Lake Havasu fly out

I can believe I missed it watched this site for info and seen nothing. I see Waldo allowed you to put the tables together this I have to wait another year best wishes for all David