
Well Known Member
Got sort of an embarrassing question to ask. I'm sure all you guys have got wives or girlfriends. Want to take my wife on a 3.5 hour leg in my 8. What do the ladies do when it comes time to urinate? Or is it just an automatic stop at the nearest airport!?!

( I can hear the wisecracks coming already):
Got sort of an embarrassing question to ask. I'm sure all you guys have got wives or girlfriends. Want to take my wife on a 3.5 hour leg in my 8. What do the ladies do when it comes time to urinate? Or is it just an automatic stop at the nearest airport!?!

( I can hear the wisecracks coming already):

Automatic stop, and nothing about nearest. There has to be a planned objective, usually well before the 4hr mark. There is simply no way she is peeing in a bottle. Not even a conversation worth having, just learn to guage her needs. I've been using Van's phrase a lot recently: "Don't poke the bear!" We've learned that Tanya is happiest with a stop at about 2.8hrs for the first stop after a very early morning departure when flying most of the day long cross country. Then she is fine with 3.7hr. Anything more than that, and we had better be landing at home the next time we touch down. Otherwise the cockpit gets pretty grumpy for the last half hour. Good question. We're still figuring it out. If I plan a couple of legs wrong, I could very easily be the one walking home. Good incentive.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell!

I don't even give my wife the chance. When we fly x-country, I just go ahead and land every 2.5 hours "for fuel".;) She can do whatever she wants while I'm pumping dollar bills into the fuel tanks.
If Momma ain't happy . . .

Plan a halfway stop. It's your job to keep her happy. If she's happy, you can fly whenever and wherever you can afford. Besides, if you're my age, you need to stop after 1.5 to 2 hours, anyway.
Man oh Man

It seems we have all grown smarter over the years. Whoever even asked the first question here, pay attention.. This is all the correct answer.

Right answwers, guys

There is simply no way she is peeing in a bottle.

Unless she's an experienced caver, of course. SOP for us. :cool:

Even then, the backseat of an -8 is geometrically close to impossible without a catheter. Maybe with the stick removed, but I wouldn't count on a successful completion.

Besides, asking anyone to stay in that gynocological chair position for over three hours without a break if asking an awful lot. I did it once to Paul and even he was ready to get out of the plane.
I did it once to Paul and even he was ready to get out of the plane.

At least it is easier for a guy to use a bag bag there, but yes, the leg muscels start to get a bit restless after awhile. As I recall, Louise holds the record for the longest (time) non-stop "command pilot" leg in the Valkyrie...and I was in the back!

I routinely fly over four hours when I am solo though....
From my surveillance days in intelligence, get her a gatorade bottle...wider rim and hopefully she wont miss!!! Once she's in....I'm in total control for once!!! There's no pit stops!!! ;)

I'm brave when she doesn't read this forum !!
My wife's time-limit is longer than mine

The longest flight we've made was 3 hrs, and I was knocking my knees.
We usually have a couple of contingency airports at the 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 hr mark, and we call an audible on the way as to which one to use. Either one of us has the authority to call for a stop.

I use a baggie in the glider all the time, just have not had a long enough solo flight to want to do it.
I'm surprised, Don..

....... What do the ladies do when it comes time to urinate? Or is it just an automatic stop at the nearest airport!?!

( I can hear the wisecracks coming already):

.....since you're in the South and haven't ever heard the old adage.."If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy:D"

....and Louise's "Gynecological chair!!" ROFL,

flexibility in flight planning...

when we fly cross country i plan for a general area to target for fuel but make in flight changes based on weather, winds, and most importantly... the status of pee...
I do not have the wife's idea of air travel is sitting in first class sipping a glass of wine, not crammed into a noisy, drafty, RV with no potty. :)
Long range GIB

Man am I proud of Builder Doll. We have flown nonstop from Oshkosh to 52F. (Northwest Regional, near Fort Worth Texas). Flying time 4:43. I kept asking her if she needed to stop, and she kept saying No! What a great GIB! Before departure we skipped the usual morning coffee, and had a bottle of water in the cockpit to drink as needed.

When you're cruising along at 10,500 feet, autopilot on, the XM radio playing some great tunes, and the Doll making good time, who wants to descend into the hot bumpy air unless you need to? As far as the gynecological chair position goes, Builder Doll just doesn't have a problem with it! Her frame size is a good match for the Doll's rear seat. The memory foam helps as well.

Flying over four hour legs has not been a problem for us. I flew one solo leg, 52F to Elkhart Indiana, with a leg length of 4:55. Yes....I had more than an hour of fuel on board landing at Elkhart. I never fly without it.
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The longest leg my wife Lori and I have had is 3 hours (Chino to Provo).
The key to longer legs is fluid intake before departing. 1/2 cup of coffee
max..... If that doesn't work we land :)
Extended range


Hotel Whiskey Aviation extend range tanks. Find them here:

I was lucky enough to get Chuck and Jeff at HWA to use the Doll as the prototype for their RV-7/7A and RV-8/8A extended range tanks. Those guys are first class. They installed the tanks and delivered the airplane back to 52F. I have found the HWA extended range tanks to be an excellent option. The weight gain is small and the increased utility is great.
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There was a thread a while back about extend a persons "holding time", one of the tricks I remember was salt intake-----a bit of salt helps to keep fluid in your tissues, and thus extends your personal range.........
Guys -

Although the various UCD's (Urine Collection Devices) that have been listed here are pretty good solutions "in general" for males, listen to the women on this one, especially when it comes to the back seat of the RV-8. The combination of seat and stick position make it pretty much impossible for them to use anything but a fuel stop or (as mentioned by PerfTech) the old astronaut standby - "Depends".

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My dear wife Susan, loves to tell the story...

We had left Aurora, OR headed S to Santa Rosa in our -6a about 6 yrs ago. I had neglected to use the facilities before departure. We were just passing over Medford OR when I perceived the possibility I might have to go...

Me: " Errr... Hey Dear, do you need a rest stop"?

She: "Why no, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

Me: "No reason, just thought you might need a break"

We motored on, and then a short time later, we were coming up on Yreka, CA at 10,500 and feeling desperate for a stop, I pulled the throttle and headed down at about 1100'/min (or more) Somehow forgot about shock cooling...

She: "What are we doing?"

Me: "We're landing"

She: "Why?"

Me: "We need a potty break"

She: Peals of laughter that went on and on and...

I learned from this, always use the John just before departure NO MATTER WHAT!!! And... don't forget that "Travel John" thingy as I used to...

Nuff said...


And all this time I thought P-factor had something to do with air swirling around the fuselage or something like that.:D