
Well Known Member
Well, there was no fanfare. I didn't get the obligatory handshake and a smile for the camera. No breaking a bottle of champagne. No confetti. No girls popping out of a cake. It was just me in an empty conference room at the local FSDO waiting for the FAA inspector to fill out the forms and to spell my name right.

I never thought this day would come but here it is. I now have that little pink piece of paper that will allow my bird to fly. It’s hard to believe I’m at this point. It seemed so far away. It is a bit anticlimactic but I’m sure it will sink in…as I make that first climb out of the pattern. I even got my Repairman’s Certificate!

So now, the next question, when will she fly? I tell you, I’m a bit tired of doing circuits at my airport…ON THE GROUND! I have nearly 3 hours on the ground. I’m thinking either the weekend of the 19th or maybe the three day weekend would be good for slipping the surly bonds. No hurry. I will fly when I’m ready.

So, yes, no fanfare but no $600 out of my pocket either! A new phase of the adventure is about to begin.
Congrats, Kelly. I'm still working on my empennage, so I'm several years behind you. Looking forward to hearing about your first flight and that RV grin. :D


I suppose you'll be able to convert that $600 to gas and noise! Congrats on the big accomplishment, you're going to have a lot of fun!

No girls jumping out of a cake:mad:

That just aint right.

Good job, and congrats on the pink.

Also, good luck with the fledgeing of your new aircraft:D
Excellent! Sorry about the lack of dancing girls - FSDO has strict rules against them. Enjoy your time with the 9A in the air!
On that note....

Tell me the name of your plane will be Skunk Works.

With your name, that is almost obligatory!

Happy flying!

Hi Kelly.
Been following your build for a while I live in Morgan Hill if you need
any help or someone to cheer as you make your first flight let me
know would like to see a first flight. I'm still a long way from it I'm building
fuel tanks now.
- If you thought you had fun while building, now you will know that the fun is just beginning
- If you thought building an airplane was expensive, now you will know that the expensive part is just beginning

Congrats! I know exactly how you feel, as I am right there myself, expecting to have my first flight very soon. Kind of amazing looking back, isn't it? For years we have worked and worked towards this goal and, when it is staring us in the face, it is kind of surreal.

Have fun!

Pink slip

Enjoy a productive phase one. Now the work gets more interactive and fun.

Here is a virtual handshake to you! You should have plenty of time to finish your phase one testing and make it to Oshkosh... see you there :)
Well Done Kelly

When we see these milestones it encourages those of us behind to keep pushing. So close but yet so far.

Looking forward to hearing about the first flight report to see the 9/9A Hobbs
meter climb another tick.

I too think of Lockheed and the Skunk Works when I see your signature.
Thanks for all the well wishes guys. It is so strange to be at the end of the build. It's one of those things I really didn't fixate on. I broke down the project into smaller chunks in my mind. You build an elevator, a couple of wings, a tail section, etc. It was all a collection of parts that may someday go together. It almost didn't occur to me that these parts would actually be something someday but here we are. I ate that elephant one bite at a time.

Funny story about the Skunk Works that I've posted here before. My first job out of school was with the Skunk Works in the mid 80s. My girlfriend, who is now my wife, flew down to visit. She was supposed to call me at work but forgot my number so she called the generic number and asked for me. Now, the famous KJ was retired but still had an office there.

My girlfriend was routed to his secretary and asked for me. When asked who she was, she replied she was his girlfriend! The secretary replied "oh, you mean the young Kelly Johnson!"

So keep eating those elephants one bite at a time.
Very Kewl ...

Way to go, Kelly!!! I'm a couple months behind you. Just got my paperwork kit from EAA last week ... started the documentation today.
Paperwork - Repairman Certificate

When I did my paperwork in Jan 2012, the EAA kit had no information in it about how to get the repairman certificate.

The repairman certificate cannot be issued by a DAR. It is done by the FSDO. I was fortunate enough to have an FAA employee do my inspection, so he brought me the correct form. He inspected my logs and photos and was satisfied that I had done my 51%. I filled out the form, and he mailed the temporary repairman certificate back to me.

The EAA documentation kit did not include this information, or the form. They may have changed it as I brought it to their attention. Meanwhile you can obtain the form from the FAA web site. It is form # 8610