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Is there any reason we can't just trace the existing hole from the spar onto the doublers while match drilling the holes vice using the template?
Is there any reason we can't just trace the existing hole from the spar onto the doublers while match drilling the holes vice using the template?

I think you will find that the existing hole and the template shape aren't quite the same. The shape in the template is what is required to avoid push rod rubbing, etc.
boy i hope they are the same shape because that it what I did. If the hole in the rear spar prevents aileron rubbing, then figured that the hole in the doubler plate should be the same. If not, then I screwed up yet another thing.

After I matched drilled and clecoed, I used a sharpie to trace the hole. I cut out the hole based on this shape. I rough cut by using a step drill, then used a #40 bit to drill a series of holes close to the sharpie line. After getting the bulk material out, I used a dremel with a sand paper wheel to clean it up. After cutting the rough hole, I clecoed back in placed and used a fine point sharpie to trace around the doubler. Pulled off the doubler and used a deburring wheel to fine tune.
uhh ohhh

My templates were printed PERFECTLY as far as my eye could tell using the appropriate scale of my machinists ruler, but one row of holes is off!

I "used the rear spar as a guide to match drill the #30 holes" per the plans. I made sure I wasn't confusing Left from Right, but neither template would match EITHER of the spars (although I did get 3 spars somehow).

Now what? You can see a faint red line showing the misaligned rows. At this point I plan to use the template to make the holes...I don't have the plans in front of me, but I think these will just be filled with rivets and not interfere with the ribs, so it may not matter.


I guess I misunderstood your original question.

If my memory is correct, the only purpose of the template is to establish the location and size of the push rod exit hole.
If the push rod exit hole profile in the template is exactly the same as what is in the spar then you could trace the spar opening onto the doubler, but I am remembering it is slightly different (otherwise the effort would not have been made to put it in the manual).
I don't know why the one row of match drilled holes doesn't match the template... I will look into it.
It should not be a factor as long as they are not common to a rib (I don't think they are).
here is what mine looks like after assembly.

As you can see some of the hole is covered by the bracket. I can't think of a reason why the hole in the doubler would be different. The only thing it could be is smaller and that does not seem reasonable. I seem to recall on the left wing that I used the template to center punch for drilling with the step drill. I determined that the step drill bit that I had did not get out to the edge any way. I just picked several spots to hit with a center punch on the right side.

As you know I am a first time builder, so maybe the holes are different.

I also did a search for "RV-10 aileron push rod hole" and found a few pictures. It appears that the holes are supposed to line up. I figured I would find more pictures of rv-10 versus rv-14 and since the wings are essentially the same...Do a search and you will see.
Not exactly sure what is being asked, but I used the diagram as just an illustration, not a template for anything because it is not to scale.

I simply traced the pattern and cut it out. Used a step drill as much as I could then a dremel cutting bit to get the rest out.

My finished product looks essentially like Ken's picture.
140131; that would be me in Tucson, AZ. Just finished getting the workshop in order and starting on the VS. Waiting on the DRDT-2 to start dimpling.