mike newall

Well Known Member
As our Euro Masters/Dictators say that we must swap to 8.33 radios, we need to change our box 2 which is a King KY97A.

Our install is through an Approach Systems Hub so I don't want to change trays, wiring etc etc.

Is there an economical radio that will simply slot into our existing tray/socket ?

Most of the suppliers won't talk about like for like compatibility - possibly for copyright reasons, I don't know.
A direct slide in replacement for the KY97A is the ICOM A-210 with the proper back plate, or the A-220 with the card edge connector (For optional MBA-3). No wiring changes needed. The A-210 comes with a backplate that has card edge connector, which from what I can tell is what the KY97A comes with, or an optional DB15 connector which becomes a direct slide in replacement for a SL40. The A-220 comes with a DB25 connector, but has an optional card edge connector (For optional MBA-3) to slide into the KY97A tray and connector without any wiring changes.

The A-210 and A-220 are 8.33 KHZ spacing radios. I had a A-210, but sold it a few months ago. See if you can find one here or on eBay. You can expect to pay between $600 to $800 USD for a A-210, and around $1200 USD for a A-220 as they are new from the factory. Get one with the card edge connector to match the one on the KY97A.

KY97A install manual


ICOM A-210 install manual


ICOM A-220 install manual


Install manuals for all three radios can be found on the net. If you can't find them, email me at [email protected] and I will send them to you.

Good luck.

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