steve murray

Well Known Member
Planning a trip from North Carolina to KVLL just north of Detroit in late July I have never transitioned this airspace before.

I can go IFR or VFR.

1) What type vectoring can I expect as GA aircraft coming approaching from the south. If IFR, do I need to plan fuel on being vectored all around the airspace? If VFR, are there preferred routes up the east side of KDTW

2) If I go VFR, I have never flown that close to US border, how far away do I need to stay from US\Canada border

3) Any experience with KVLL airport, I expect to tie down there for several days?

Any input appreciated.

1) You can expect to be vectored around the class B, only rarely will they vector you through. They may have you cut the corner, but you should be prepared to go all the way around.

2) I am not aware of any specific distance to stay away from the international border. If you are ok with crossing Lake Erie, then IFR direct will be the easiest and fastest. There is no problem with overflying Canada while IFR and no special procedure. You will remain with Detroit approach and they will vector you over/around Windsor.

For VFR I wouldn't say there are any preferred routes on the east side. If you stay under 3000 you can fly directly over the Detroit river under the class B. I would recommend flight following so you are talking with approach and getting traffic advisories.

3) I did all of my primary training out of KVLL. It is heavily built up around the field, so it can be difficult to spot at first. There are businesses near both end of the runway. Good basic airfield - parking, fuel, small GA terminal. Nothing else really notable about it. Nearby KPTK is a good alternative if you want a towered full service airport with ILS.

VFR: Flight following is highly recommended and takes all the worry out of 'being close' :cool:
You don't want to cross the border unless you are talking to ATC and have a transponder code.
If you come up VFR on the East side of Bravo, I would suggest 2400 ft, as you pass Grosse Ile (KONZ). The US corridor at 3000 ft is really narrow (like a couple of wingspans narrow).

IFR: you may get sent to MOONN intersection and vectored from there.

If you approach KVLL from the south, there are a number of tall antennas (1750 MSL - pattern altitude at VLL) so don't descend too soon!

There are 2 self-serve fuel locations. The '24 Hour' fuel located just east of the terminal is far cheaper than the AVFuel on the west side.
Dennis, thanks for the advice. I noticed in your tag line you have Eggenfellner H6, I have the same engine in my RV8. How many hours do you have on it now? I am just breaking 700.

Dennis, thanks for the advice. I noticed in your tag line you have Eggenfellner H6, I have the same engine in my RV8. How many hours do you have on it now? I am just breaking 700.

I'm at about 470 hours. Gotta do more flying to catch up :eek:
How late in July are you coming up? I will be gone the last week to OSH.

I am about 20 mi north of KVLL, also building an RV-10. Feel free to stop by if you have time. We also have extra beds if you need a place to stay.
Other than the week of Oshkosh, I will be home.
I fly into VLL to see my daughter on a fairly regular basis. As indicated, it is hard to spot till you get close. If you need a rental car, Enterprise's office is immediately adjacent to the airport, but check with them beforehand on your pickup and drop-off times .... they are not open full time on Sat and Sunday. They will generally accommodate you somehow ... usually very helpful.