
Well Known Member
This will come as no surprise to their customers but I just want to publicly applaud the work of AeroSport Power.

You see, at the end of May, I discovered a few anomalies with the engine in "PapaJuliette" and Patty and I decided to pull it and have it overhauled. And while at it change the crank so it could be "upgraded" to constant speed prop.

No problem, EXCEPT ....

I need everything done and tested in time to get to a Formation Brief and Practice for OSH.

I call Sue with my "pressing problem". She says ... "no problem, we will take care of you".

I don't know how they did it but with the trucking companies taking a MONTH of time out of the schedule, they were able to turn around our engine in DAYS(!!). Just in time to get everything done for KOSH.

In this case, I think most of the credit goes to Sue. It appears that she had pre-staged the effort and had everything sitting ready for the old engine to arrive and had a team lined up to get on it.

With their busy schedule, I don't know how they worked it in but I am grateful. The engine of course worked flawlessly. And thank goodness as I had a few other matters that I had to deal with in getting to KOSH. (See alternator thread elsewhere):)

Without their "above and beyond" effort, I am sure there would have been one less plane to show up for Airventure and RV Formation fly-bys.

I want to publicly thank them once again for "making it happen". (This is not my first or second time dealing with them for engines.)

It is great to know that there people out there like Sue and Bart who when they give their word, you can count on it!!

Thanks again!!!

They have helped me numerous times with parts, advice, and encouragement. If you need an engine rebuilt these are good folks to know. Honest engine people.
Ditto. I picked up my engine (third one from them) at Airventure this year. If you stopped by their tent, it was the Red IO-540. Great people and great service.
Yup...Bart/Sue and company are super folks...great to work with...and have a great product.

I've made engine purchases from them in the past BUT....I've made my last two IO-540 purchases from Mattituck (1 RV10 and 1 F1 Rocket). I always call Aerosport FIRST to give them a chance but they simply can't compare PRICES with Mattituck....and YES we are talking apples to apples and we're talking a difference in the 4 digits.

Aerosport is GREAT but let's add that Mattituck isn't too bad when it comes to customer service either :D!!

Nice to have a (competitive) choice!
I always call Aerosport FIRST to give them a chance but they simply can't compare PRICES with Mattituck....and YES we are talking apples to apples and we're talking a difference in the 4 digits.

You have to know how to negotiate!;)
So right!!

You have to know how to negotiate!;)

Yup you are right!:) And for me it was not the price that was the deciding factor (I trusted they would "take care" of me), but instead getting a slot with a trusted team to "git 'er done" in time for Airventure.

They promised they would and they did.
