Gary 40274

Well Known Member
I know we have heard it before that Stein goes above and beyond for his customers, but I suspect that he does not get the praise that he really deserves. I had had some problems with a vendor (who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty) that went on for almost 9 months. I was getting no where, Stein stepped in and made the problem go away. While I won't discuss the details, I want all to know that through it all, his only concern was to make the "customer whole".

It is a joy to know that there are still companies, and individuals who have integrety. Keep up the good work Stein!!

Gary Specketer:)
I have to agree with you Gary...I've purchased almost all of my electrical needs from him, and as long as he has what I need, he will always have my business! I had a question about the Molex connector on the A210 recently...I did not buy the radio from him, BUT rather than post an answer that could be convoluted on the internet, HE called ME to talk it over! I'm glad to call Stein a friend, and while his prices are not the cheapest, he certainly is top notch in quality!

I have to mention this as well...last summer at Oshkosh, a group of us were standing at SteinAir's booth chatting with him when a gentleman came up to the display to try to start an argument about his price on a comm radio. Basically, the gist of it was, the man said "They (big avionics warehouse across the isle) have it for $XXX less than you!?" Stein says something to the effect of "Well then go buy it from them!" All of us were blown away at this little exchange, and I think THAT shows Stein's commitment to quality. Yep, there are cheaper places to buy stuff, but what do you get with it???

As Stein says..."Cheers!"

I now check first

Posts to my questions from Stein, reguardless how stupid the question I ask, has been informative and respectful.
... a gentleman came up to the display to try to start an argument about his price on a comm radio. Basically, the gist of it was, the man said "They (big avionics warehouse across the isle) have it for $XXX less than you!?" Stein says something to the effect of "Well then go buy it from them!"...

Ahhhh, memories. I know my eyes were huge. LOL!

Oh man! Wait until he reads this thread. His head will be so big he'll need to go to a tent maker for a hat.

But it is all true, Steiner is one of a kind and an exceptional vendor. Very helpful, honest, straight answers for sure!
I do appreciate nice feedback. My head is already plenty big, so let me re-direct some of this good fortune to my employees. The fact of the matter is that without good people, my company would not survive. In many (if not most) cases they are the ones with the detailed knowledge to really help people. I'm more of a "mile wide/inch deep" while many of my employees have knowledge that is much deeper in specific areas than me. Second, there is the manufactureres and other vendors themselves to thank, because without them many of the problems wouldn't get fixed the way they do. Gary did indeed have a huge mess on his hands, and contrary to what it sounded like it wasn't a solitary effort by me that got it fixed. Lot's of hard work from lots of people besides me fixed his issue (including other vendors). Lastly, it's wonderful to work with such great customers. 99% of you are an absolute joy to deal with - it makes it so much more enjoyable to work with customers that are nice and easy to get along with.

Anyway thanks to everyone, but thanks on behalf of all of my people here. They deserve as much or more credit than I do.

I do appreciate nice feedback. My head is already plenty big, so let me re-direct some of this good fortune to my employees. The fact of the matter is that without good people, my company would not survive. In many (if not most) cases they are the ones with the detailed knowledge to really help people.
Ditto about this... Jed Gregerson and Mike Hilger have been more than generous with their time in helping me with my intercom-A210 wiring. Although I did purchase the intercom harness from them as well as about $1000 worth of stuff including the basic wiring kit, I did NOT buy the A210 from them, yet they have been more than pleasant in providing the help I've needed. Still working out the bugs with the (my) wiring, but I'd be much farther behind if not for them. Thanks to everyone at SteinAir!
Stein is being too modest. While he does have great employees, it was his time and effort that resolved my problem. He did not spare the hours and hours it took to resolve this issue. Thanks again Stein, you are the best.

The big guy's cheaper

I heard this a long time ago about the other guys Quote. "They know what their goods and services are worth" Its not all about the lowest price.
Russians usually obey the principle - "trust but verify". Stein doesn't need verification.
Another very Satisfied Customer

The SteinAir gang is an A+ in my experience. Answer my questions, provide valuable advice, great products and support.

Thanks SteinAir, count on my business.:)
I second the prevailing opinion voiced above. SteinAir is simply top notch, and their support of the RV community is spectacular. Everything electrical I purchase comes from Stein & crew.
If there was an RVer/supplier rating like e-Bay, they'd be a five star in my book.
Geez some of us have to live with him..... He is insufferable as he is, now he will be off the chart.......... And then wait until he gets that Mullicoupe' flying, then he will have a good reason to think he is an aviaiton god.....

Geez those of us who live up here in the frozen north will never be able to to tolerate him....... Unless he lets me fly it, then of course I will put up with whatever **** he gives me.....:):):)

In reality he is just a bonehead airline mechanic who started a business that does what they promise, charges a fair price for it, and tells customers the truth whether they like it or not.... And has been incredibly successful.... Whats the big deal???

I don't see what's such a big deal????;););)

Doug Rozendaal
Lastly, it's wonderful to work with such great customers. 99% of you are an absolute joy to deal with - it makes it so much more enjoyable to work with customers that are nice and easy to get along with.

Stein I'm doing everythng I can to make that 1% that is a total pain in your arse!!! :D

- Peter
Doug and Peter, the two of you just made me spit soda out of my nose, nearly choke, and then roar with laughter! :D :D

The scary thing is Doug is RIGHT much so that threads like this are kinda/sorta embarrassing in a way. We are a motley crew for sure, none of us had any investment to start a business when we did this, most of us are just airplane geeks that don't know much else, none of us have MBA's (and Lord have I had to learn much of that stuff the hard way), but most of us are simply and literally mid-western farm raised boys and girls from very humble homes raised and reared with a certain set of values that obviously much of our society either never learned or has forgotten. We work hard and try hard. We love what we do and God I know how fortunate I am to be able to do this for a living. I do have a big head, but I also know that I'm not the crispiest chip in the bag - don't forget, I did manage to stick my hand into a running propeller after all!

Now that this country is where it's at, it makes me value our little group more and more. Sure we'd all like more money, but I can't imagine what sort of conscience and soul one must have (or obviously not have) to act the way our politicians and all those other characters do - that being some of the characters in our financial system/wall street.

Anyway, not to wander too far off topic - it's all about me, right?!?! :eek:

It is nice to get good feedback and I truly do appreciate it. Thanks again to everyone. I knew a few of you old gray beards before this whole VAF thing took off, but I have met some of you that are now more than just acquaintances - we're good friends. I have met some really amazing people that really inspire me in many ways. People that are now friends and some who are mentors (personally, professionally, etc..). I routinely upset people by not being politically correct or holding back any punches, but I have little to apologize for and lots to be thankful for. Sorry for the long dribble, but given all the worthless pile of garbage spewing out of the TV "News" and from Washington, it's nice once and awhile just to sit back and appreciate things for what they are.

Have a good evening,
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In reality he is just a bonehead airline mechanic who started a business that does what they promise, charges a fair price for it, and tells customers the truth whether they like it or not.... And has been incredibly successful.... Whats the big deal???

I don't see what's such a big deal????;););)

Doug Rozendaal

Tom Peters (In Search of Excellence co-author) once said something like "If you give people normal everyday service that they have reasonable expectations of receiving, you won't have to worry about your competition because you will be ALONE!"

It is a sad but true comment, however the experimental aviation vendor community is an exception and is a big part of what makes building and flying these airplanes so enjoyable.
Once again Stein comes to the rescue.

After an embarrassing accident I cooked the internal fuses in my radios and transponder in a panel Stein built. I needed to charge the dead battery (master left on after refueling) and grabbed my multimeter to check the positive & negative leads to the "jump" connections to make sure I got it right. Well, the leads on the multimeter were crossed! And I got a back-wards reading and hooked the battery charger leads up back-wards on a dead battery!
Did you know you can charge a dead battery back-wards? Anyone want to buy a Concorde RG-25XC where the red is negative and the black is positive? :mad:

Anyway, I sent Stein an e-mail asking what to do and he called me on Sunday morning! Made me feel a lot better by telling me a few of his goofs / accidents, then kicked me in the butt for messing up HIS panel! :D ;)

Thanks Stein. I greatly appreciate your help, and VAF for the place to find it.

Live and learn, but I cannot believe I did what I did. I even grabbed the multimeter to be sure! I trusted the multimeter reading, but the leads were reversed! OUCH!............ Maybe Stein could design a panel that runs on 14 & 28 & 110v, positive and negative grounds simultaneously, and upgrades itself.

What was really nice is getting at the items I needed to remove. Just enough space AND EXTRA WIRE to get things out! Well done Steiner. You build one heck of a great panel.
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