
Active Member
The folks at Sensenich are great! I sent them a prop for a repitch, which they did at a reasonable cost. In the shipment via UPS back to me the carton was damaged & the prop had a large gouge in one of the blades. A claim was filed with UPS for the damage to the prop. UPS denied the claim (so much for paying extra for insurance). Sensenich stepped up and paid for a complete overhaul of the prop at a local prop shop. It looks like new. Thanks Sensenich, your customer service is first class!!!
UPS Pays

As a controller (financial) it drives me nuts when people do not follow simple steps to protect their assets.

The truth is that once you sign for a delivery, regardless of carrier, you have accepted responsibility for the condition of the contents. Period. No claim, especially an expensive one, will be paid. Period.

You must indicate that there was a problem with the package before signing any document. Be as detailed as reasonable. Take your time. And, for crying out loud, take a picture with the delivery guy next to it. You may also refuse to accept the package, especially if its something you can't fix yourself. Take your time, reasonably, the driver is your servant.

Don't be seduced by the smile of the UPS guy, or his friendliness because he stops by 3 times a week, or his hurriedness to get on with the rest of his route. These are tricks used to get you to pay for their mistakes. I don't know how many times I've heard a kid in the receiving department say, "...but, he was in a hurry." when trying to explain why they signed for a damaged shipment. Of course he is, it saves his employer and possibly him, money.

I have never had a claim refused when the chain of title is properly transferred. This protocol was set up eons ago to protect the shipper, carrier and receiver. Other parties will take advantage of the uninformed.
Yay Sensenich! I find word of mouth customer service reviews to be very valuable, thanks for sharing.

Boo UPS! We had a $10k piece of computer equipment ruined by UPS and they refused to pay the claim. We were sending the hardware back to the vendor for repair. The vendor refused to sign for the package or take delivery when they saw it on the truck. Clearly someone at UPS had run a fork from a lift truck through the side of the box. UPS refused to pay the insurance claim, citing that we hadn't properly packaged the hardware for shipment, although we returned the hardware in the original vendor's packaging and it was strapped to a palet. Apparently we just didn't reinforce things well enough to withstand a forklift.
Sounds like UPS will always deny a claim citing improper packaging. My prop did not have to be signed for & was left at my front door. Immediately seeing the damaged box, I took photos of the outside, inside, packaging & damage to the prop. Called UPS & Sensenich right away. Sent the photos I took via email to UPS claims. UPS denied everything. Even though Sensenich worked with a UPS representative to design their spropeller shipping boxes, UPS still told them that it was not packed properly. Sounds like many insurance companies that love to take your money but always deny a claim making you have to fight to it. I'm going to start using FedEx, although they are probably not any better.
I wonder if anyone has taken UPS to small claims court when they deny an insurance claim? Seems like you would have a pretty good chance of getting a judgement there.
I wonder if anyone has taken UPS to small claims court when they deny an insurance claim? Seems like you would have a pretty good chance of getting a judgement there.

My brother took them to court many years ago and won the judgment since UPS never bothered to even show up in court. Then he spent months more trying to collect on it as UPS dragged their feet ignoring a couple more court orders. Nice customer service!

The improperly packaged excuse is #1 on all shippers excuse list it seems. Even if it was packaged in a solid block of expanding foam inside a 1/4 inch thick 4130 box, they would still use this one.

Fedex is better but you still have to jab them a bit or you'll get the $2 per pound settlement.

In 16 years of shipping world wide, I've never been properly paid for a damage claim even when insured by UPS or DHL. About 8 years ago I did a quick study of lost and damaged shipments after switching to Fedex and found it was a waste of money to insure most shipments. Fedex lost or damaged so few packages (kudos) on a yearly basis that it was a big money loser to buy the insurance. I just take my chances. When you sign that waybill, look at the tiny print on the back and the part about limited liability and the Warsaw Convention. What a cop out!

Hats off to Sensenich:) Can't beat that!
My interest is piqued. Maybe someone like Stein or another of the vendors that frequent the site can shed some light on how they deal with shipping. $10k computer equipment, $7k prop assemblies. These pale in comparison to some of the fancier panels I've seen on this site. What about damage to an engine or one of the major sub assemblies from Van's?
UPS Ins. info learned

Guys, UPS uses a contractor out of Crawford TX and the MO is to never pay on a claim. It will almost always be deemed the result of bad packaging. If you need insured find another way. I lost a bundle on Avionics and pushed them as hard as possible. they have the system figured out. UPS should be ashamed of making there customers think there getting coverage. Gene
UPS paid my claim, but

I'll never use them again willingly. I spent over 5 frustrating months trying to deal with them over my damaged fuel tank. One of the most irritating aspects of their claim system is they wouldn't even talk to me. I had shipped the tank through a UPS store and that store was their customer, not me. Trying to explain through a third party how these planes are built by individuals and are somewhat custom was way beyond their comprehension. They didn't know what to ask for so they just kept changing their minds and asking for different stuff.
Like I said, they finally paid but I'll avoid using them whenever possible.
UPS success

Since this thread has evolved into anti UPS.....

Happily, I used UPS shipments for airplane parts year after year.
All were very successful, with no damaged parts.

Since none were ever damaged, I could never make a claim to see the bad side of the company, I suppose.... :rolleyes:

Almost makes you want to pick-up all of your aircraft stuff personally. Wing coming in this week, keeping my fingers crossed.:rolleyes:

Steve Stella
#40654 Wings
N521RV reserved
Another prop story

Wanna hear another prop story?
How 'bout this.
Several years ago I needed a prop checked out on an old spam can and sent the prop to Sensenich. Had to buy a brand new Sensenich prop box to send it in. 50 bucks for the box. Sensinich sent it back "red tagged" proclaiming how bad the prop was and it was 10 thousands under, blah blah and you need a new prop.

Not knowing any better I did my duty as a good little A&P and stamped the prop "UNAIRWORTHY". Then a DER came along and said, "man, that was a perfectly good prop, I could have given you a field approval for that in a minute. " Too late it was toast.

Here's a side view of the box the prop was in when I got it back from Sensenich via UPS (Of course I paid oversize shipping bothways). The prop flopped around in the box.


By this time I tracked down the only new replacement propeller east of the Rockies and I got "a good deal" on this one, only $2500. They sent it UPS. Here's the box when it got here.


It had obviously been thrown around and the ends were beaten up. The telling point was inside where the box had a spindle to keep the prop in place. It was ripped out and the prop had been po-go ing around by its ends.


I chewed out the UPS guy about mishandling a $2000+ item and I got the whole melodrama: "I been working 10 hours, no lunch, if the boss finds out I will lose my job", etc. Even a couple of fake alligator tears. Bet the boys back at the shop really laughed about that one.

Fortunately, there were only scuff marks on the ends of the prop and the prop still tracked to within 1/16 and flew ok. Insurance didn't mean squat; there were no other props available and the wait time for Sensinich to build another was three months.

Nowdays the UPS guys use the stealth mode and infil packages without a sound or else ring the doorbell and run like a scalded dog.

Wanna see some more UPS performance?


How bout this one?



Still can't see any boot marks on this one.

Hey, I got a lots more, including:
a used microscope I got last winter had the mechanical stage knocked off of it and the cardboard container was like an old leather glove.
A surface height gage instrument came in all banged up. Luckily, it was inside a wooden case and the case took most of the breakage.

Take home lessons I learned:
1) I ain't buyin nothin' from Sensenich no more
2)UPS only cares about moving poundage. I beg every one who sends me something to not send it UPS. If everyone in my area who got beat up packages did this, maybe UPS would treat your stuff like it was their stuff.

Dave A.
6A airframe
Tony Partain

I almost forgot to add this.
If you are taking delivery of large shipments from Van's, see if you can work something out with Tony Partain. My replacement canopy came on time, in good shape and it cost less than with other freight carriers. I don't know about others' experiences but his company worked well for me and I will use him again.

Dave A.